The cliché field trip (part 1)

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So in this one Peter is a stark. And his class has got a field trip to the stark Tower and everyone in the tower knows him as the Avengers kid and call him mini-stark.


The last bell of the school rings and Peter is really happy to get back to the tower and start working in the lab. Packing his bags hurriedly, he stands up to leave the class. But his Parker luck has striked.

"Hold on class, I have a very special announcement. " Mr. Harrington says and the class sits down while groaning.
" So, we are going on a field trip tommorow. It's a very prestigious place and all of your parents have been notified. So, tommorow meet me at the school door at exactly 9:00 am and don't be late. " he excitedly says.

Flash being the egoistic brat he is says, " My parents were the one who made the trip possible. You all should be thankful to me. "

Half of the student roll their eyes and MJ smacks Flash with her book while he yelps.

All the student start to file out of the class. Peter stays back to wait for Ned and MJ. The three of them walk out together.

"so.. " Ned starts, " any ideas where we are going?"

Peter shakes his head in a no and MJ only shrugs. Reaching their lockers, they keep their books and take out the important things. Suddenly Peter's spidey senses go haywire and soon he is shoved sideways.

" puny Parker, you ready to be embarrassed in front of the whole class. " He says and walks away leaving a confused Peter behind.

Peter shrugs it out and heads outside to Happy. Saying goodbye to Ned with their iconic handshake and kissing MJ goodbye on the cheeks, he slid in the car and started rambling about his day to Happy.

After half an hour, happy told him to get out of the car. " Bye Happy. " he said and entered the tower's lobby.

"Hi Emma " He waved to the receptionist who waved back at him.
"Hi Peter. "

Passing through the scanners, he greeted Friday. " Hey fri. "

Hello mini-stark. Mr. Stark is in the lab and waiting for you. Should I alert him of your arrival.

"Sure fri. "

Getting in the elevator, he took out his phone to check a message from Shuri.

The vine queen: I am coming to New York tommorow. 😊

Meme Lord: Really, that's awesome.

He replied and pocketed his phone back. The elevator dinged and Peter entered the living room of The Penthouse. He was soon greeted with some " hey pete", "hi peter" and a "son of stark ".

He greeted all the avengers back and ran to his room. Finishing up his homework,  he moved to the personal labs. The lab was a big area and divided in two parts, one for Tony and other for Peter. There was a glass wall separating them that could be slid away to merge the labs.

There inside the lab, Tony was working on his Iron Man suit while AC/DC was blasting in the background at a lower sound.

" Hey dad! Whatcha doing?"

Tony turned around to look at his son and ruffled his hair. " Nothing, the repulsors were malfunctioning, so I was just fixing them. How was school? "

Peter nodded and then started telling him about the whole day.
Once he was finished, Tony told him, " I swear, one day I will kill this Flash kid. "

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