How to Cover for your Vigilante friend 101

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The moment Peter stepped into the museum, he knew something was wrong. His senses were warning him of danger. But Peter couldn't point out where it was exactly pointing to.

"Okay kids, now that we are in here, you can wander around looking at different artefacts and take notes on them. Just don't do anything you aren't supposed to and please, please do not get lost." Mr. Harrington said, the last part pointedly looking at Peter who just nervously smiled and nodded at the teacher.

Soon all the students divided into their own groups of friends and wandered off. Peter moved forward with Ned and MJ by his side.

After ten minutes of wandering around, Peter still hadn't found anything that could be suspicious. So he stood by one of the windows looking at one of the animated slideshow as he listened to Ned's rambling.

Suddenly his senses flared for a second and Peter noticed some movement beside a van across the road. In front of the bank.

His eyes widened as he realised that there was probably going to be a robbery in the bank.

Peter immediately turned to Ned and said, " Ned I need to go. There is probably gonna be a robbery in the bank. Cover up for me."

Ned who was still rambling about something stilled and said," what? But dude, what if I mess up? I got a detention for a week last time."

" Ned nobody told you to tell the teacher that you were watching porn. That was all you man. And I promise you I will be back in fifteen minutes max. " Peter told Ned who was going to say something when MJ interjected," what happened?"

"Peter needs us to cover up cause there is gonna be a robbery at the bank."  Ned told MJ who nodded.

"Say no more." With that she went back to the artefact she was looking at without any other explanation needed. Peter gave Ned an apologetic smile and left.


One minute, a quick costume change and a bank alarm ringing later, Ned was worrying. His best friend was out stopping a robbery and he needed to cover up. But Ned was bad at lying. How was he going to do this?

"Ned are you ok?" Ned jumped at Betty's voice and turned to her.

"Yeah, yeah. Perfectly fine. " He told her with a smile that looked more like a grimace.

"Okay." Betty said with uncertainty and then looked around. " Hey where is Peter?"

"Peter? uh..he is ...uh..he is in the bathroom yeah. Yeah in the bathroom. " Ned said sweating at the thought of his lie getting caught.

"Oh okay. Are you sure you are okay Ned? Maybe you should go to the restroom once too. You look a little constipated." Betty said and Ned shook his head telling her he was completely fine and Betty left to go to some other student.

Ned finally sighed in relief. It's so hard to cover up for a superhero.


MJ on the other hand stood in a corner away from everyone drawing a classmate of hers who looked highly distressed.

Mr Harrington found her there, his eyes a bit wild and hand permanently plastered across his face in worry "Ah, Michelle. Good to see you’re still here.  where’s Mr Parker? I’m doing a headcount and I can’t seem to find him."

"Who?" She didn’t stop drawing, working on the shadows around the eyes.

"Y’know, Peter? Your friend?"

"I know a Pamela, is that who you mean?"

"No, I mean Peter. Come on, I need to make sure we haven’t lost anyone."

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