"The world hates me!! "

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A/N: So in this one the Avengers so know about Ned and MJ but they never saw or met them. And Ned and MJ have never been to the tower before.

Peter didn't know who to blame. Today was the worst day of his life. First he wasn't allowed on the yearly field trip because he had supposedly lied about having an internship.

Then he got stabbed at patrolling. It was actually an interesting incident.


Peter was swinging through the city when he heard a scream from a nearby alleyway. Swinging there as fast as he could he found a man cornering a young lady.

He immediately went into action and webbed the man to the nearby wall. The lady thanked him and ran away while Peter sensed someone from behind.

Turning back immediately, Peter saw another man present there. "I heard you love puns, huh?? " the man asked.

At first Peter was really taken aback by the question. Then again he lived with the weirdest people on earth. So he just grinned and said, "That I do Mr. Criminal. May I know why you are asking that? "

The man grinned and Peter's spidey senses warned him of a danger. But before he could act on it the man said, "It's knife to meet you spiderboy! " With that the man plunged his knife in Peter's side and ran.

Peter sat there and blink. Once. Twice. Thrice. And then he started laughing. Full on laughter.

Back to present

Since Peter had got stabbed, he wasn't allowed to go on training or patrolling.  And he couldn't even go to the labs since Friday was down and thus wasn't letting anyone in the lab. Not even Mr. Stark.

So Peter was really really bored. By the time of noon, Peter had already eaten twice, done all his assignments for the whole week, and beaten Clint in Mario Kart five times in a row.

While pacing the floor and ceilings Peter had slipped and fell face first on the floor. And from the moment he laid there doing nothing much to the amusement of the Avengers present there.

On the other hand the student of midtown high were really happy.

They were going on a trip to Stark Industries. They have already been to museums and the lower level labs when the incident happened.

A blast came from the nearby lab when they had just reached the higher level labs. At that moment, The Pepper Potts entered the room.

Coming to the group, she gave them a smile and said, " I am sorry students, but the higher level labs wouldn't be available for the tour groups right now. Also since Friday is down your tour guide will be needed in the labs for us much help as possible. But don't worry, since you are not able to visit the labs, I have decided to give you an exclusive meet and greet with the Avengers. Come with me. "

The students cheered and started whispering with each other. While Trash Thompson-i mean Flash Thompson smirked thinking of uncovering Peter's lies.

All the students got in the elevator and soon the elevator dinged and the doors opened.

There in front of them the class could see the black widow reading a Russian book,  Bucky and Steve talking about their young days, Thor munching on poptarts, a sulking Clint who kept whining about Mario Kart, Bruce, Vision and Wanda engaged in a conversation and a brown curly haired boy lying face first on the floor.

Well the class was quite interested in the boy. While Ned, MJ and Pepper immediately knew who it was.

"Why is he lying like that on the floor? " Pepper asked.

" The floor attacked me Pepper. " Came a muffled and familiar voice.

Natasha rolled her eyes and spoke, "His class is gone on a trip which he wasn't allowed on. Also he got stabbed last night so he isn't allowed to out. And since Friday is down he can't go to the labs either. "

Before Pepper could say anything Tony Stark entered the room and froze seeing his intern laying down on the floor.

"Why are you on the floor, Kid? " he asked.

"The world hate me Mr. Stark. And the floor is cold just like my cold heart. "  Peter said to which Bucky spit out his coffee and the others stared at him in horror.

Tony just rolled his eyes and said, "Geez kid. You are gonna give a heart attack to them with your depressing talks. And you still didn't tell me how you got stabbed last night. "

Peter told Tony the story of the pun and started giggling while Tony shook his head, "Kid just because he said a pun doesn't mean you will get stabbed. "

"But it was a good pun. And the knife was really shiny too. It changed colors Mr. Stark. Can I keep it? " Peter asked Tony still lying on the floor.

"No Peter you shouldn't keep the things of others. You should give it back to him. " Pepper spoke up.

Natasha nodded and said, " Tell me how he looked like and I will give him the knife back. Ten time more aggressively the way he gave you. "

All the students were watching the scene unfold with wide eyes. Who was this boy actually?

Peter chose the exact moment to get up and face his classmates. He got up and turned to Tony and said, "When Is Friday going to let me in the labs!? I am boooored! "

Before Tony could answer a voice came from behind Pepper, "Mr. Parker? "

Peter turned and his eyes went wide as saucers and he asked, "Mr. Harrington? What are you all doing here? "

"You know them Pete!? They are the tour group for today. Since there was an explosion in the labs I decided to give them an exclusive meet and greet with the Avengers. " Pepper asked Peter.

Peter nodded and said, "Yeah they are my classmates. "

Ned chose the moment to speak up, "Can you believe it dude. I am gonna have a meet and greet with the Avengers. "

Peter rolled his eyes and said, "Ned, if you wanted to meet them you could've just asked me. I would have bought you here. "

Ned eyes went wider than dinner plates and his mouth dropped open, "Really.? Oh my god. Why didn't you tell me this before? "

Peter just chuckled at his best friends reaction and turned to the Avengers "Guys this is my best friend Ned Leeds. And the girl beside him is my girlfriend MJ."

Every Avengers greeted the two. While Ned stared and said hello with the greatest enthusiasm MJ just looked up from her book, gave a nod to everyone and went back to her book.

Natasha was the first one to speak. "I like her."

Pepper cleared her throat and said, "I think we should first so the meet and greet. So students take a seat and you guys too take a seat. Everyone will raise their hands and we will choose you then you can ask your question. "

With that everyone was seated. The meet and greet went nicely. Peter just sat beside Ned and MJ and talked a little with Pepper.

After the tour, everyone except Ned and MJ was sent back. Fortunately Flash hadn't said anything stupid. But unfortunately Natasha already knew about the bullying and had managed to get a minute with the bully before the bus could leave back to Midtown.

That day's dinner was interesting. Ned kept staring in awe at everyone while MJ didn't hesitate to roast the Avengers.

It certainly was a memorable day for Peter.

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