Family Is Life

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Peter was worried. Literally worried and scared. He really didn't know what to do. He had already lost his biological family and now he didn't want to lose the family he had gotten now.

After the death of his last living relative May Parker, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts had adopted him. He had got a father and mother in them. A aunt in Natasha and uncles in Steve, Rhodey, Bruce, Bucky, Clint, Sam and other Avengers. Sister and brothers in Wanda, Scott's daughter and Clint's children and Shuri. All in all , Peter had a big dysfunctional super family who loved him so much.

But right now the family was in danger. A month ago all the Avengers had left for a mission. The mission was dangerous and Peter wanted to tag along. But he wasn't allowed and now he was worried as hell.

Their was no contact from the Avengers for the whole month. The Avengers had told him that the mission would take time, but they had also told him that they will be back in three weeks.

And now they were gone for four weeks. Every person in New York was worried for their heroes but not as much as Peter.

Right now Peter was sitting in his class completely zoned out. The teacher was teaching them about something that Peter had learned a year ago with Bruce.

Peter himself had tried his best to find his family but their location was really unknown.

Peter's attention came back to the class when the teacher turned on the screen. The screen lit up with the breaking news.

It was the same news that was being broadcasted from last week. The Avengers Were Missing.

The teacher was telling the students how the Avengers were missing and there was a chance that they might be dead and would never come back.

Peter didn't realise that he had started crying and the class was staring at him. Peter did hear Flash call him a crybaby and wimp but Peter was froze. He couldn't lose his family again.

"Mr. Parker this has gone too far. First you are not paying attention in class from last week and now you are crying. I understand that the Avengers was missing, everyone is worried for them, but that doesn't mean you can use it as a excuse for not paying attention in class."  The teacher yelled.

Peter couldn't control himself so he looked at the teacher dead in eyes and snapped," Don't tell me how to feel, when almost my entire family is missing. For you they might be just a bunch of superheroes, but for me they are my family. I have already lost my family once and I don't want to lose the family I got again."

Peter just kept his head on his table and sobbed lightly while MJ rubbed his back. The class was stunned and didn't know how to react. The teacher was going to say something but was stopped by the class door opening.

The students gasped as bruised and cut filled Avengers slowly filed inside the classroom. Tony motioned the class to stay silent. 

Then the Avengers moved to where Peter was and Tony softly said," Pete.."

Peter's sobbing stopped and he looked up ," Are you real?"

Tony laughed and nodded while the Avengers chuckled," Missed us?"

In one second Peter was in Tony's arms sobbing lightly.

" I hate you, Dad! I hate you all. You know how much worried I was."

Clint cleared his throat and said," Stark. Mind leaving him? We are also in the line."

Peter laughed and hugged all the Avengers one by one. Ned and MJ too went and hugged some of the Avengers while the class gawked at them.

 Then Peter turned to all of them and said," I think you all should go to the tower and get fixed up. And then I want the full story and you all better have a good explanation for being one week late and not contacting me or you all be hanging from the ceiling."

"Sure, kiddo." Then Tony turned to the class and said," Children, I expect you all will not say a single word of what happened right now. Or you will have to face by 35 lawyers and all the avengers. And Ted and Scary girl, why don't you two come with us too? I will talk with your parents." 

The two said persons nodded and then left with the Avengers. The class was still dazed at what happened.

"Did Peter called The Tony Stark, Dad!?" Cindy asked but the class didn't know what to say.

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