Morgan meets decathlon team

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A request by Kitten_Wish123I hope you like it.

"And please make sure to submit your homeworks by this Friday. Class dismissed." Ms. Warren said and the students immediately packed up their bags.

As the students started getting out of the class, Peter ran towards the classroom where the decathlon meet was supposed to be held.

He had some interesting things to talk about with Ned.

As Peter reached the room, he found it empty save for MJ. How did she manage to get to class first despite having her last period on the other side of the school was a mystery.

" Hey Em." Peter greeted her with a small smile which she returned making Peter's heart flutter.

Peter sat down as he waited for others and specifically Ned to come.

Soon Ned too came in and immediately went to Peter.

" Dude, what is the exciting thing you were gonna tell me about?" Ned said still panting a little bit from running.

" First sit down Ned. And about the exciting thing, Dad said that we are going to the Disney World next weekend. And by we, I mean everyone. All the Avengers, their kids, guardians of the galaxy, even you and MJ." Peter told Ned and Ned's eyes widened.

"Oh my Thor! We are going to have so much fun."

"I know."

As the two best friends excitedly chatted, MJ rolled her eyes at them. They were complete dorks.

Soon the other students and Mr. Harrington came and the practice started.

Halfway through the practice, when Abe was in the middle of ringing his bell since Flash was giving wrong answers again and again, the door opened.

Everyone turned to look at the person who entered and were very much taken aback. The Tony Stark was standing at the door with a small girl by his side.

As soon as the small girl spotted Peter, she ran to him immediately.

" Petey!" She said as she literally jumped on him and hugged him.

Peter immediately hugged her back and looked at Tony who was looking at his children with an affectionate look.

"Morgana! Did something happen?" Peter skee his little sister but didn't get any answer.

"She had a nightmare and was adamant on meeting you. So I bought her here. I have a Avengers meeting in half an hour, can I leave her with you here?" Tony asked Peter.

Peter turned to look at his teacher who just nodded dumbfounded, " uh...yeah sure."

"Well then I will leave her here. Nice meeting you Peter's team and Teacher. " With that Tony left for the meeting.

"Hey Morgan, you wanna meet my team?" Peter asked her softly and she nodded.

“Alright, Maguna. This is the team. That’s Betty, Flash, Brad, Abe, Cindy, Sally, Charles, Seymour, Jason, and then Ned and MJ whom you already know.” Peter said. Morgan focused on Ned and MJ, waving at them with a smile on her face.

All the students waved back at Morgan and then went back to practice. Morgan sitting beside Peter, opened a drawing book from her bagpack and started drawing.

Peter would look down at her from time to time to make sure she was fine. The meeting soon ended and Mr. Harrington left saying he had some work to attend.

The students now left alone with Morgan started packing up.

"Guys, let's go and have ice-creams together. Peter, can Morgan come along too?" Betty asked Peter not sure whether the young Stark should be out in public or not.

Peter nodded and said, " Yeah, sure. Since I am with her, it's no problem. Right Maguna?"

Morgan by then had completely forgotten about her nightmare so she giggled and nodded. " Yeah, but can we go swinging later too?"

Peter froze at the question and before he could say anything Cindy spoke up, " There is a park just beside the ice-cream shop. We could go there after."

Morgan again giggled and shook her head, " Not that swinging. I wanna go swinging by webs since Petey is Spider-man." She exclaimed, oblivious to Peter’s choking in the background and the wide eyes of the entire team.

"Okay, Mo-mo," Ned said, trying to divert her from the topic. "You wanna see my Star Wars merch I always keep with me for luck?"

But the damage was already done. "Uhm, what was that?" Sally asked.

"It- uh it was nothing,"Peter shrugged.

"Actually it sounded like you’re Spider-Man," Abe smirked.

"Ahh, uhm, actually… about that," Peter stuttered.

"Dude, like we all knew," Betty rolled her eyes.

"What?! No we didn’t!" Flash exclaimed still not being able to digest the fact.

"Well, obviously we didn’t tell you or Brad. You guys hate Peter." Cindy said.

"What makes you think we hate Peter," Brad laughed nervously.

"Well Flash bullies him, and you’re rude because MJ likes him and not you." Charles shrugged.

"Wait, wait, wait," Peter interrupted. "So you’re saying you all knew I was Spider-Man."

"Well, yeah. You weren’t subtle. What was surprising is that Iron Man is actually your dad." Betty said.

"Well yeah, he kinda adopted me. " Peter said sheepishly rubbing his hand at the nape of his neck.

"Oh my god! How does it feel to have The Tony Stark as your dad?" Abe exclaimed.

"Pretty normal I guess. He is quite a helicopter dad. " Peter shrugged.

"Wow, Pete. Here I was coming to back you up about how you are definately not Spiderman and you are making fun of me." Tony sighed entering the room at the moment.

" Daddy!" Morgan exclaimed as she jumped in his arms.

"I have everything under control." Peter groaned.

"Really. Cause it looks to me like your whole team already knew you were Spider-Man."

"To be fair, you didn’t give me a Nano-suit until right before I got all dusty and it’s not easy to change into that suit discreetly."

"So you’re blaming this on me?" Tony smirked, eyebrow raising.

"Uh, yeah, I guess I am," Peter shrugged. The team’s eyes widened.

"Alright, well as fun as this banter is, we can continue it at home later too. Right now let's get you kids the ice-cream you were planning to have."

"Dad!" Peter chastised Tony. "Were you eavesdropping on us?"

"Hey, don't give me that look. With the way you act, you should be grateful I don't have an Avenger by your side all the time. " Tony defended.

"Definately a helicopter dad." MJ piped in.

The decathlon team laughed together as they left the school to get the ice-creams.

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