Bonding Project

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Peter's day was going good and normal. Boring classes, name calling by Flash and everything same as his typical Wednesday school day. Right now Peter was waiting on his teacher to tell about the yearly project.

The teacher Ms. Lara clapped her hands and said," So students this year we are doing a bonding Project. I will assign you a partner and then you will make a video presentation on your partner's outside school life. Today you will do on one of you and tomorrow on the other. The project has to be submitted on Friday. Now I will name the partners."

With that Peter started praying to not get Flash but his Parker luck has to strike.

"And lastly Flash Thompson and Peter Parker." 

Peter banged his head on the desk and everyone turned to look at him. Flash turned to Peter and sneered and glared at him. Ned only gave him a apologetic smile.

When the bell rang Flash came to Peter and dragged him to the teacher," Ms. Lara? Can you change my partner? I don't want this filthy human in my rich house and my parents wouldn't approve of this."

The teacher glared at Flash and shook her head," Sorry Mr. Thompson. But you and Mr. Parker are least bonded in the class. So you will have to do the project."

Flash was surely going to protest but Peter cut him off,"Ms. Lara, I only have one request. Tell Flash to not question about my living arrangements and family. And to not bully me on front of them, or I will not be responsible for his death." 

Ms. Lara looked at Peter in shock as Peter voice was filled with seriosness. She just nodded and told them to leave.

This two days are going to be hard to handle.


It was Friday and students were ready to show their presentations. The students were also a little confused as Flash didn't even go near Peter the whole day let alone bully him. Even when they are sharing the project, they were seating the farthest as possible.

The presentations were being shown and everyone enjoyed them. A few were quite intresting as Ned and MJ had a picture of all the Avengers along with Peter, Ned, MJ and Pepper in Pjs cuddling with each other in their rooms.

One the students was really embarrassed as his mother has started scolding him about staying late at paties and not keeping his rooms clean not realising all of this was being filmed.

When everyone's presentation was done only Peter and Flash were left. Peter went first and joined his phone with the screen.

( Bold is video)
The video started and a smirking Flash could be seen outside the school.

"You filming correctly Parker, I don't want to look like you losers." He sneered.

"Let's just go, Flash. " Peter's voice came from behind the camera.

Flash rolled his eyes and they started walking. They reached a expensive looking car and entered. Flash again mocked Peter how Peter should be cautious to not to scratch a such expensive car.

The scene cut and then a gate of a house appeared. Flash came in view and said, "So this is my house. By the way Parker, you asked someone to bring you some clothes,right? I am not sharing my expensive clothes with you. "

"Yeah Flash I called someone. " Peter said and the duo entered the house. The house was modern and nice looking. Flash showed off everything while mocking Peter every time.

They went to Flash's room and it was literally filled with Spiderman's posters.

Some students laughed at this while MJ was smirking.

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