Avengers Week With Class (part 2)

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Peter shook his head and stood in front of his family and said, "No. Killing. Minors." Peter said each word with pressure and the Avengers had a staring contest with Peter.

At last the Avengers sighed and started taking their seats while Tony and Pepper along with Nat moved forward towards Flash.

Flash gulped and tried to back away but one of his friends pushed him forward. They reached Flash and Tony started, "Listen here, Eugene. From today you will never ever even look at my son. If I get a single complain that you have bullied Peter, even I don't know what will happen to you. "

"And you will also not bully anyone else too. You have also been banned from all the buildings of Stark Industries. And you will also be never getting a job here so stop sending applications for Internship. " Pepper added and Flash managed a single nod under the glare of the Power couple.

Tony and Pepper left giving a last warning glare to Flash and Flash sighed in relief. Somehow he has managed to ignore the deadly assassin  coming towards him.

When he looked up he jumped in fright. Standing in front of him was The Black Widow with a glare that could make a whole army retreat.

She leaned forward so only Peter's class and most importantly Flash could hear.

"Listen here, and listen carefully. You see us. Some of us have been trained assassins and if we kill someone no one will be able to find even your body. Or you can clearly see that there are some gods and also people from other planets which Is not a part of our galaxy. So just for your information if any of them killed someone, New York police can't even touch them as they are not a citizen of this planet let alone this city. Be aware. " Natasha told them in a sickly sweet voice and gave Flash a evil grin and left.

Flash was literally shaking by now. He decided to have the seat farthest from Peter and the Avengers. All the students too were a little cautious of Peter Now.

But Peter was completely oblivious of all of this and was snuggling to Tony with MJ in his lap. They all were tired and almost sleepy.

All the students left to sleep after some time. Soon the Avengers left for their rooms too. Peter carried MJ to their room and soon everyone was asleep for the day.

Tuesday Morning

All the Students woke up early and moved up to The Penthouse for breakfast. They were really excited to spend the whole day as per the Avengers routine.

Soon they reached the dining area and sat down for breakfast. They were really happy as they got to eat pancakes and waffles made by Steve and Bucky.

They all were eating while they heard some groanings. Soon almost all of the Avengers came their grumbling. They all too sat down and started eating.

MJ too entered the room with a book in her hand while dragging a half asleep Peter with the other hand.

"Good morning Peter! MJ" All the Avengers greeted.

While Mj responded with a 'hey everyone' , Peter only grumbled more that caused a few chuckles from the Avengers.

They both sat down and Peter kept his head on MJ's shoulder.

" MJ your tea. And Peter your juice." Bucky said while passing them the cup and glass.

Peter took the glass and muttered, " sometimes I wish I could have caffeine. "

The class looked at him confused so Steve spoke up, " Since Peter is half Spider, Caffeine causes problems to him. "

The class just nodded. Soon the breakfast were done and then Steve spoke up. " Students today we are having a training day. So get freshened and be there in the training room by 10."

Everyone left for their rooms then. Peter and MJ too got ready and left for their class along with Ned. When they reached their class floor, all of them were ready. Flash didn't even look at Peter.

Peter clapped his hands for attention and said, " Everyone come on we need to reach the training floors. "

The class looked at Peter and their jaws dropped. " What? " Peter asked.

"When did you get a eight pack abs?" Abe asked.

MJ snickered and said, " You do realize he is an avenger. "

Realization dawned on the students and they nodded. They all then followed Peter, MJ and Ned to the elevator. The elevators reached the training floor and they all entered.

The sight was to be beholded. All the Avengers were there in their training gears.

Peter and MJ moved to Natasha while Ned moved towards Bruce who was sitting on the benches at the side.

The students along with the teacher stood at the side.

Tony entered the room and Steve spoke up, " So since now everyone is here, we can start today. First of all you all can practice whatever you want to for an hour. Then we will have sparring matches for whom who spar. Whoever doesn't want to participate can stand there but you all will have to take part in the last events that would be check everyone speed, strenght and other things. Now start training."

With that All the Avengers got to train. Some started practicing on targets. Some started mediating. Some started doing normal warm up.

The group of students too started warm up under the supervision of Captain America. The teacher too joined them.

Peter had been practicing wall climbing, shooting web shooters and dodging false bullets with the help of his senses.

Mj was practicing her hand to hand combats as well as Knife throwing alongside Natasha.

The non avengers like Pepper, Jane, Laura, and Shuri were practicing hand to hand combat too.

Ned, Bruce and the children like Cassie, Cooper and Nate were doing normal warm up.

Lila was working on her archery with her father Clint.

Soon the hour was over and the sparring matches started.  Some of the Avengers who were not much interested in hand to hand combat didn't participated. Peter was really good and even managed to take down Nat and Gamora. Nat and Gamora too fought but the both were equally good. MJ was not able to take down Bucky but she did really good.

The students were amazed by the fact that Mj fought the Winter Soldier. The Avengers even taught the students some tricks for self defence.

It was lunch time after some time so everyone got to have their lunch. They again freshned up and came back for the tests.

First one was speed and it was obvioisly won by Pietro. He had a speed of 2050 miles per second. Peter had a 200 miles per hour. Captain America was a little behind Black panther. Captain Marvel was not counted as she was even three times faster than light.

During doing the bench press everyone was quite astonished by the fact that Peter lifted 25 tons. Thor, Hulk and the captain Marvel easily did 100 tons. Captain America did around 10 tons. It was said that they could lift even more in crucial situation.

The students all too tried everything and some did good as per their physique. Soon the day was over and everyone went to their rooms to freshen up.

Everyone was tired due to the training so everyone got to sleep early.
The next day they were going to have a lot of wars after all.

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