Decathlon Competition

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Peter was sitting in his decathlon meet waiting for his teacher and Principal.

They were going to announce something important.

Soon the teacher and the principal came. The principal clapped his hands to gain the attention of the students and started, "So students, as we all know that with all of our hard work we had reached Nationals. And tommorow we are having our National match with one of the best school in New York. So I want the team to be ready and please make sure to tell us who are coming and who are not. And you all can invite your family and friends to watch the competition. Best luck for tommorow and be ready at the school gate at 8'O clock sharp. "

Mr. Morita finished and the team broke into cheers. They have been practicing for Nationals with their all effort.

Peter too was ready to win with MJ and Ned by his side. He was just sad that May wouldn't be able to come as she had a very important appointment tommorow.

Peter slung his bag over his shoulder and left after saying goodbyes to his friends. Happy was waiting for him outside, so he directly slid inside and greeted happy.

"Hey Happy. "

When Peter didn't started his rambling and usual, Happy knew something was wrong. So he secretly messaged Tony that something was wrong with his kid.

When the car reached the tower, Peter slid out, thanked Happy and entered the lobby.

Moving towards the personal elevator, he passed the scanners without a pass and Friday greeted him.

Hello Peter! Welcome Back. Boss is waiting for you in the lab.

Peter thanked Friday and slid in the personal elevator. The elevator moved upstairs and reached its destination with a ding. Peter entered the living room of the penthouse and greeted the lounging Avengers.

"Hey guys! "

"Hey Pete! " Everyone greeted him back while Peter made his way to the labs.

Entering the labs he greeted Tony. "Hey Mr. Stark. "

"Good you are here, kid. Wanna work on some new equations for a project?"
Tony asked at which Peter nodded enthusiastictly.

For the whole time, Tony noticed that Peter was trying to avoid eye contact with Tony. And that only happened when Peter hides something from them.

But Tony didn't wanted to pressure Peter so he decided to ask sometime else.

Soon Dinner time came and Peter left to help Steve in arranging the Table.

Tony was just about to leave when he got a call from May.  He asked Friday to pick up and greeted her, "Hello May.  How are you? "

"I am fine Tony. But I have something to talk about Peter. "

Now Tony was interested. Since he too wanted to know the reason for Peter's sour mood. "Actually, I was going to ask you too. Peter was a little different today. "

"I know. Actually his decathlon team has the national match tommorow. All the parents are invited in it but since I have a very important appointment I can't go. Tony can you go there for him? "

There was a little guilt and sadness in May's voice. Now Tony understood why the spiderling was sad. "Of course May. You don't have to ask. Just message me the time and place and I will be there. "

"Thank you Tony. You don't know how much it means to Peter and me. "

"Anything for Peter. "

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