Alternate Scene (F. F. H)

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A/N: This is an alternate scene from Far from home. I just thought what it would have looked liked it Peter's whole team got stuck in Netherlands with him. Hope you guys like it.

Peter woke up with a jolt. Mysterio had been successful in tricking him again. And he had got hit by a train. A train running on full speed.

Well thanks to his healing he was well again and not hurting much.

Peter looked around to find himself sitting in a jail with three people who were smiling at him while a man was laying by the side.

He asked them where he was and they told him he was in Netherlands. One of the man also told him that he gave him the T-shirt since Peter looked cold.

Peter was really confused so he just thanked them and got up to get out of the place. Getting by the door he shouted for the guard.

"The guard is on his break. Probably talking to his wife. She is pregnant. " One of the man told him in a heavy accent.

Peter didn't have any other choice so he just caught the lock in his hand and broke it. Opening the gate, he ran out of the station leaving the others confused and dumfounded.

Running here and there Peter tried to find someone who could probably lend him a phone. He looked around and noticed a group of students.

He took another look and gasped. It was his decathlon team. What the hell were they doing here??

He ran or we could say limped to them and called, "Ned! MJ! "

Everyone turned to look at Peter and gasped. Ned and MJ were instantly by his side. "Dude, are you OK?? "

By now the other were surrounding him too. "Peter... What the hell happened to you? You look like you got hit by a train? "Cindy said and Peter winced at her words.

Peter turned to Ned and said, "Actually that's what exactly happened. But first of all what are you all doing here? How did you even reach this place? "

"Someone came to give us a special trip to somewhere at no price. And even when I told them not to agree they all did and we ended up here. " MJ said glaring at her team mates.

Peter sighed and said, "Okay, doesn't matters anymore. We need to get back. Do any of you have a phone? "

"No, the man took all of our phones. " Betty said while Flash asked, "Why do you even need a phone Parker? It's not like anyone can afford to pick us up from here other than my dad. So when I am getting a phone, I will call my dad and he would send someone to pick me up. "

"We are in Netherlands, idiot. Even your rich daddy wouldn't be able to do anything. " MJ told him while glaring daggers.

"But how are you here, Mr. Parker? And your wounds... "Mr. Harrington asked.

"I don't think I can answer that so easily. It's really complicated. " With that said Peter turned to move around.

After walking for a few minutes they reached a small market and Peter instantly went up to a man to ask for Phone. The man gave him his phone and Peter called Happy.

He told him to come to pick him up in a place called 'Broek Op Langedijk' aa said by the man.

Peter then tanked the man and turned to the group, "Well someone is coming to pick me up, you all can join me. "

With that Peter left towards the fields with Ned and MJ. The class was dumbfounded but still followed him. When they all were nearing a flower field, they heard the sound of some aircraft.

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