Sick and Decathlon Meet

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Peter woke up with a nasty headache. His head was throbbing and he surely wasn't able to concentrate on anything.

He just stumbled out of his bed and entered the living room trying to find May.

May was making breakfast in the kitchen. She turned to look at Peter and said, "Good morning Pete!"

"good mornin' May. " Peter replied groggily and May frowned. Was Peter ill?

She strode to Peter and touched his forehead, " oh my god!  Peter,your forehead is burning. You are not going school in this state. I thought you couldn't get sick due to your spider bite? " May exclaimed.

Peter just hugged her tightly and groaned. She sighed and took him to the couch and placed him there. But Peter bolted up and entered the bathroom puking his guts out.

May just rubbed his back and made him a little soup and asked him to rest.

"Are you sure, Peter? I mean I can stay if you want. " May tried to negotiate as Peter forced her to go on work.

"Yes, May. I am fine." Peter told her croakly but May was not convinced.

But she still sighed and left the house. As soon as she was out of Peter's earshot, she called Tony.

"Hey May. Do you need something?" Tony's voice came from the other side.

"Actually it's about Peter.. " but before she could finish she was cut off by Tony.

" What happened? Is he OK? Is he hurt? Don't tell me he is shot again, or I swear I will not let him enter the labs for a whole month... " Tony rambled and May shook her head. Tony was surely Peter's dad, she thought.

" Calm down, Tony. Peter is not hurt. It's just that he is sick. I wanted to stay, but he didn't let me. So I wanted to ask if you could come and take care of him? " May asked.

"Of course I will come May. " Tony said and the call ended.

Tony was in his lab when he got the call, so he just informed Pepper and left for Peter's home.

Reaching there he rang the doorbell and after a few seconds, Peter opened the door. He looked a little shocked to see him.

"Mr. Stark what are you doing here? " Peter tried to sound normal but Tony caught it. His voice was hoarse and croaky. And he even noticed that Peter was a little bit paler than usual.

He just entered the house and said," What, can't I come and take care of my kid when he is sick? Now tell me where is the kitchen so I can make something for you. "

Peter stood at the doorway dazed for a second and then showed him the way.

Tony made an easy breakfast for him and the Two sat down. More like Tony sat while Peter slept for a while.

It was around two or three, when Peter woke up abruptly and ran to the Bathroom. He again puked while Tony just rubbed his back. He helped Peter clean up and then led him to couch.

Giving Peter a bowl of soup, he helped him eat.

On the other hand, MJ and Ned were a little worried for Peter. They were currently in the Decathlon meeting.

"Where is Mr. Parker? " the teacher, Me. Harrington asked.

Ned and Mj looked at each other and Ned spoke up, "He is absent, Mr. Harrington. "

Flash scoffed and said, "I am sure Parker is just ditching the meeting. "

MJ glared at him but before she could say anything, some of the students spoke up in agreement. Ned tried to speak in Peter's defence but all in vain.

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