The Greatest Senior Prank ever!

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"That's all for today's decathlon meet kids. See you next week now." Mr. Harrington said as he packed up and left the class.

The class wished him bye and then everyone turned to look at each other. Cindy slumped back in her seat leisurely and spoke with a giddy smile, " I can't believe we are at the end our senior year. Just a few months more and then we would all be off to colleges and universities. Woah!"

"Hey, don't finish up our senior year just like that. We have a lot of fun to do this year too." Charles said and the other students nodded at him.

"Like the senior year field trip. Let's pray to Thor that this one goes well." Sally piped up and everyone chorused an "Amen to that!" after her.

"And don't forget about winning this year's decathlon too." MJ said and everyone immediately nodded. No one wants to face the wrath of The Michelle Jones.

"And Guys, what about our senior prank?" Abe reminded them.

Ned sat up straighter and said, " Last year the seniors prank was so good. I mean transforming the parking lot into petting zoo is no easy feat. Plus it was so fun." 

Everyone laughed remembering the last year prank. There was no space for parking cars but no one had complained. They got to pet animals after all. And since the students had cleaned up after themselves, even the teachers didn't complain.

"We have to do something greater than that. " Flash said, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he already went through different prank ideas.

One of the most surprising or not so surprising thing that happened in senior year was Flash's change of heart. He didn't bully anyone now and actively tried to be nice. Obviously he still bantered with everyone, teased Peter and Ned but now it happened with a mutual understanding and friendship.

"I actually have a great idea. But we will need as much help as possible. Especially from our parents." Peter said and everyone turned to look at him.

" My parents would readily agree to help if it doesn't harm anyone." Abe said and everyone agreed along.

Flash was the only one who was silent.

"I don't think my parents would agree. They don't really care about things like this. Or anything that concerns me you know." He said.

Of cource everyone knew. They were the ones who had been there for Flash this whole senior year. Sometimes it was May who would give Peter an extra lunch for Flash. That one also containing a note with unnecessary amount of hearts.

Sometimes it were Betty's or Abe's parents who gave him lifts because they shared the neighbourhood.

Anytime he felt alone, he was readily welcome to crash in Ned's or Cindy's house.

All the deacthlon team members made sure he never felt alone.

Peter gave a smirk to Flash and said, " Don't worry about that Flash. There is a SI gala coming up. I am sure your parents would agree to help with a little prank in return to have an invitation to one of the biggest galas of the year."

Everyone looked at Peter with shocked faces. Who would have thought that Peter could be cunnig too.

MJ just turned to him with a serious face and said, " I knew there was a reason why I love you. Nat and Pepper have taught you well. "

Peter gave her a smile as red tinted his cheek. He turned to Flash who gave him a grateful smile and then said, " Then it's settled. Spread the word. All the seniors who want to join in the prank would meet this Sunday at the cafe beside the public library. I will tell the plan and then we will make a group chat with other seniors so they can at least play along with us. And we all can inform our parents about this. "

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