Love you 3000!

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Ok so this is after endgame and Tony is dead. I feel bad but I am still doing it.

Peter was sitting in his chemistry class when his phone went off. Now the teacher Mrs. Weston was not a great fan of technology.

Thus Peter was highly dreading the fact that he forgot to put his phone on silent.

Fumbling his phone out he looked ahead to find his teacher giving him the 'You know the rules' look.

Peter just nodded and looked down to find it was Dr. Strange.

He frowned. Why would Dr. Strange call him now? Wasn't he babysitting Morgan today??

He picked up the call on speaker and the frustrated voice of the sorcerer supreme came out of his phone,

"Peter I have made a portal to where ever you are and I am sending your sister there. I can't handle her anymore. She keeps asking me to do magic or to bring her to you. So handle her now. Bye I am going back to the sanctum. "

"What? wait Dr. Strange.. I am still in class..... " Peter trailed off as the beeping sound of the call ending came.

He looked up to find his class giving him confused glances.

"What was the person on the phone talking about Mr. Parker? Portal? " his teacher asked.

But before Peter could reply a orange circle appeared in the classroom frightening the teacher and some of the students.

Peter sighed and said, "This is what he was talking about. "

A girl with a Iron Man mask in her hand which looked highly real and a Spiderman bagpack came out of the portal.

Many students gasped as they recognized the infamous young Stark.

Flash got up from his seat and moved forward, "Everyone stay back. She is a rich kid and thus she should not go near you filthy poor people. "

With that he went to grab Morgan. "come on little girl. Come with me. "

Before Peter could warn him, Morgan gave him a kick where the sun doesn't shine and glared," I am not a little girl. I am five years old. And don't touch me. I don't like strangers touching me you meanie. "

Flash cried out in pain and the whole class hollered with laughter while Peter shook his head and moved forward.

"Morgan Natalie Stark, that is not a way to treat anyone. Even if they are mean. And why were you bothering Uncle Strange?" Peter asked as the class gasped.

Morgan on the other hand ignored his words and rushed forward for him to pick her up. "Petey, I missed you. "

Peter picked his little sister up and turned to his teacher, "Mrs. Weston, is it fine if I keep her with me until the class? I promise she wouldn't disturb anyone. "

The teacher was still dazed to see a Stark in her class and thus just nodded.

Peter went back to his seat with Morgan while the whole class stared at them.

As soon as Peter sat Morgan spoke up, "Petey I wanted to show you a drawing I made. "

"Really,  Morgana. Show me. " Peter said as her eyes lit up and she fumbled in her bagpack.

Soon she took her hand out with a paper and showed it to him. It had some people drawn on it.

She motioned to each person on the paper and said, "See its our family. It's mommy, it's daddy, it's me, it's you and it's uncle happy. "

"It's so beautiful, angel. " Pete said as some of the girls in the class awwed.

By Now even the teacher was awweing to the brother-sister duo in her class. After all they were the cutest.

"Yeah it's really good!" A voice came from beside Peter and Morgan turned to look.

At first she looked at the brown curly haired girl in confusion then a smile broke in her face and she said, "You are MJ. Petey was right. You are really pretty. "

A blush forms on MJ face as Peter awkwardly coughs. A few students laugh at Peter's embarrassed face while Peter says, "That was supposed to be our secret, Princess. "

Morgan smiles apologetically and turns to MJ again and says, "No Petey didn't say anything like that. "

This time even Peter and MJ join the class in laughing at her cuteness.

Suddenly Peter's phone goes off again and he looks at the caller ID to see its his mom.

"Sorry Mr. Parker. But rules are rules. " His teacher say and pepter just nods.

Picking up the phone again on Speaker he hears the worried voice of his mom.

"Peter,  Sweetheart I know you are in class. But I can't find Morgan anywhere. I left her with Dr. Strange but now I can't find him either. He isn't even picking up his phone. "

Peter instantly spoke up to ease his mom of her worry. "Mom, don't worry. She is with me. Dr. Strange sent her to my class before leaving. I will bring her to the tower after school. "

A sigh came from the phone. "Oh thank god! She isn't disturbing the class, is she? "

Peter chuckled and said, "No"

By now Morgan was done talking with MJ and thus turned to look at his brother hearing her mother's voice.

"Mommy,  I showed Petey my drawing. And I met MJ. She is really nice and beautiful. "

Pepper chuckled while MJ blushed.

"That's good sweetie pie. But don't bother your brother too much okay? And be safe. Bye Peter honey. Love you both. "

"Bye mom. " Peter said as Pepper hung up.

He turned to Morgan and said, "You should inform mom before leaving, Morgs. "

Morgan just smile up at him sheepishly and yawned.

Putting her head on Peter's lap she started doing off while the whole class awwed again.

Morgan mumbled something sleepily and Peter asked, "You said something? "

"I love you 3000, Petey!" She said as she fell asleep.

Peter smiled and replied, " Love you too 3000, Morgie. "

The teacher started the class again as everyone tried to be quiet for the cute girl sleeping there.

When the class was done, Betty turned and said, "Peter can I ask you something? "

Peter looked up from Morgan and said, "Sure! "

"Why do you call her by so many endearments? I mean people usually give someone one or two nicknames, but you called her by different names everytime you spoke to her. " She said and many students nodded.

Peter smiled and said, "Well it's said that a girl tries to see her father or brother in her future partner. And since dad is not here I try to treat her like a way she should be treated always. This way she would know that  she deserves to be treated like a queen and nothing less. "

The whole class was impressed by Peter's words. They all understood how much Peter loves his sister.

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