The Milk Emergency

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Peter was half asleep in his class. The teacher Mr. Link was going on and on about the same topic for last thirty minutes. Peter has already learnt everything about the topic, so it was even more boring for him.

Me. Link was really a boring person and completely fit for history class. He despised technology even more than Steve and Bucky and this was saying something.

He had made rules of no phones in the class. If someone's phone rang, they had to pick it up on speaker and answer as the teacher thought that if the phone call was this important to be done in class, other students had a right to hear it.

So all in all almost every student hated him with the same passion as he hated phones. Every student always double checked their phones to keep it on silent.

But if looks like Peter's luck never work as suddenly AC/DC started blasting through the room.

Every student turned to look at Peter while he tried his best to find his phone from his bag. The teacher motioned him to come in front of the class.

Peter hesitantly moved forward with the ringing phone in his hand. He could hear some of the students snicker.

He reached the centre and placed the phone in his teacher's outstretched hand.

The teacher tried his best to pick it up but was not able to.
"Mr.  Parker how does this damn thing works?"

Peter just sighed and said, " Karen answer the call on speaker."

Soon a feminine voice rang out.
Sure Peter.

"Hey Pete.... "

Tony started by was cut off by Peter.
" I am in class right now and you are on speaker, so think before saying something. "

" I don't care Peter,  if the whole world is listening right now. It's a life and death situation. " Tony said. Peter could hear the frustration in his voice that always comes when he doesn't get his coffee. But now he was worried about his family. Was there a attack?

" What happened, dad?  Is everyone OK? " Peter asked ignoring the shocked gasps of his classmates as he called the Tony Stark dad.

"No,no,no this is not a FNS imergency.  It's a milk emergency. " Peter relaxed a little that there was no attack. FNS meant Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman.

" Oh. Thank god. But what do you mean by milk emergency?" Peter asked completely confused. By now many students were listening to the conversation with great attention. They all have recognised the unmistakable voice of Tony Stark. And Tony Stark having a milk emergency was really a great entertainment.

" He means that we all need milk. We all are hungry and Tony needs his coffee. " Peter heard Clint say from behind Tony. Now Peter was even more confused.

" Then what's the problem? Can't you guys like open the fridge and get the milk?" Peter said while a few students laughed at the topic.

" OK I think I should tell you from the start. " Tony started. " So you remember how Clint and Sam were planning to prank Thor. So they did and Thor got angry and placed his hammer at the gate of the fridge. And is refusing to take it away. "

" Then why don't you just give him his poptarts. " Peter suggested.

" The idiot Sam ate the last packet of poptarts and now Thor is not agreeing even when I said that I would buy him the whole company of poptarts. " Tony accusingly said.

" Sam you know that poptarts are Thor's lifeline. " Peter joked.

" I was hungry. " Sam grumbled behind Tony.

The class could hear him argue with Clint on the topic.

" OK OK dad. Why don't you ask uncle Steve or Vision to come and pick up the hammer. " Peter suggested.

" Peter,  Steve is on a mission and vision is out on a date with Wanda. Where we don't know. " Natasha spoke up.

" Peter you have to come. Just come to the tower and pick up this hammer and throw it out of the window. " Clint said. The class started whispering at the new information. They were amazed by the fact that Peter can lift the Mjölnìr.

" Dad, are you sure you are a genius?"
Peter said.

At this all the avengers started laughing while Tony just grumbled and said a small not fair.

Peter sighed and replied, " Why don't you all go down to tower's cafeteria and get the milk. "

At this they could hear the shuffling and footsteps from the phone while Tony exclaimed, " Peter you are a genius. Bye love you and thank you underoos. "

With that Tony hung up. Peter took the phone and thought. I swear, sometime I think they are a bunch of toddlers instead of earth's mightiest heroes.

With that the whole class erupted in laughter while Peter realized he said it aloud.

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