Another Field Trip

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Peter's day was going great. He got full marks on all of his tests, Flash didn't bothered him at all and his day went really well. Not to mention tommorow's surprise field trip for which Peter and Ned were really excited.

But of course the Parker luck striked and Peter was called in the office.

When Peter reached the office, the principal Mr. Morita was having a conversation with Mr. Harrington about the trip.

"Oh Mr. Parker. Please have a seat. We need to have a very serious conversation. "Mr. Morita said while Peter got even more confused.

He sat down and asked, "Why Was I called Sir? "

The principal cleared his throat and spoke, "Well Mr. Parker, I have heard rumours about you having a Stark Internship. Now, Peter, I know it sounds cool to have a internship at the Stark Industries, but I think it's best if you stop with the lie Now. "

Peter couldn't believe his ears. The teachers and principal didn't believe him even when he had submitted legal document signed by Pepper Stark herself.

"But Sir, I am not lying. I even gave you legal papers.. " Peter tried to defend himself but was cut off by Mr. Harrington.

"And also about that, it's not a good thing to forge such high officials signs, Mr. Parker. You might get arrested for that. Be thankful that we just destroyed the papers and didn't inform anyone. " He said and Peter's jaw dropped.

He knew his mom would be furious if she finds out that the school destroyed legal papers. He didn't know what to say, so he tried to defend himself a last time.

"Those were legal papers, Sir.. " But he was again cut off by the Principal this time.

"We have had enough, Mr. Parker. You are not allowed on the trip tommorow. And keep up your lie and you might even get suspended or worse expelled. Now you can leave. " The principal said.

Peter was stunned. He just nodded and left. When he reached, Ned asked him about what happened.

When Peter told everything to Ned, He was angry. Peter wished MJ was here today. She would have surely found a way to say something. But MJ was gone on a meeting in France with Pepper.

Peter just bid Ned goodbye and left with Happy. When he reached the tower, his mood was still gloomy which didn't go unnoticed by the Avengers.

At last they had enough and decided to question Peter.

"Hey, Kid. What happened? And don't lie, we all can see you are not in your usual mood." Tony asked.

Peter hesitated at first but then told them everything. The Avengers were boiling by the end.

Tony was even ready to go to the school right then and there and knock some sense in them. But Peter managed to stop him.

"No, Dad. I think it's best if we let Mom handle it, right? " Peter suggested and everyone agreed.

That night Peter spent too late outside patrolling and got stabbed and his family was really angry. They gave him three hours lecture about being late, getting stabbed and not informing them about it. On top of that, Peter's phone battery died down completely. So Peter next day was starting bad.

So currently at nine a.m. Peter was sleeping in his room while his class was in the Stark industries lobby for an overnight trip. And neither Ned and MJ were among them to warn Peter.

MJ because she was still in France and Ned because he left for a family emergency at 4 in the morning and surely informed Peter, at which the spiderling never replied.

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