Flash's Internship

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Flash was happy. Really happy. He had managed to get a real internship in stark Industries somehow. He just had to pay a intern and the intern helped Flash. 

Now Flash is a level 3 intern in Stark industries. His work includes helping the other interns with tools, coffee, and other materials they ask. It is not a great work but it will work till he meets Tony Stark or better yet his son.

When he has gone on his first day of work, he was given some NDAs to sign saying that if he ever comes face to face with the Mini Stark or his girlfriend who was training to take over the CEO position, he had to keep their identities secret.

The interns had told him how the young couple was really great at work and were already taking Stark Industries at great heights.

They had told him how they were going to be introduced to the world next week. Flash wanted to meet them and befriend them as soon as possible. But since the young couple rarely came down to the lower labs, he wasn't able to.

Right now Flash was getting off his school bus along with his classmates, minus Peter, Ned And MJ. Those three had been absent from school for the whole week and today was Friday. 

The teacher has informed them that Ned was gone to other country due to some family issues and nobody knew where Peter and MJ were. When they had asked MJ's parents , they had told that she is with Peter and they will know about it soon.

Flash wanted to brag it in Peter's face, how he had a real Internship while Peter could only dream of it.

When all the students got off , flash turned to them and said," Everyone. I know you are very grateful to me for taking you all on a tour of Stark industries. Let me tell you that I am soon going to best friends with the heir of Stark industries. Then he will make me the head intern. And yes I fell sorry for you all that you believed Parker. He will never get a internship here."

The class cheered for now and went in. Some were even whispering how Peter shouldn't have lied. Inside the intern who had appointed Flash was waiting for them. He gave them the passes and led them inside.

They passed through the museums, and reached the lower labs where many interns recognised Flash. The class was on awe and astonished. Flash on the other hand was full of pride.

When one of the students asked about the heir of Stark industries, one of the interns spoke up, " They both are in a meeting right now. Since you all have already signed the NDAs, we can take you to the floor. But make sure to respect them. They both are the future heir of Stark Industries. While the Mini stark can even leave you if you disrespect him, but his girlfriend is terrifying. Even Mr. Stark is scared of her. And also all the Avengers love them too much. So anything happens to them, you will have all the Avengers along with the whole Stark Industries after you. Now come on."

The students were fascinated with the news. They were going to meet the heir to the Stark industry. They all moved in the elevator and reached the floor. The intern told them to stay there and left with an other intern.

The students were looking here and there while suddenly Betty gasped. The class turned to her and saw her staring towards the hallway. The students turned to look there and gasped.

There coming from the hallway were Peter and MJ. Peter was wearing a suit with his one hand in his pocket. Mj too was wearing a pant, top with a dark blazer. 

They both had their hands interwined and were talking about something. Suddenly Peter looked up and saw the class. He stopped in his tracks. MJ noticed this and too looked at the class.

She dragged Peter to the Class and greeted them. Peter too greeted them. The class was too stunned to say anything.

"How dare you break into The Stark Tower, Parker?" Flash exclaimed.

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