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"Are you going to prom this year?" Michelle asks, slumped in her chair across the aisle from Peter. At the front of the classroom, the science teacher struggles to answer a series of ridiculous questions from a group of popular guys.

"Yeah, me and Ned were going to go," Peter answers. "You?"

MJ reaches over and sets a piece of paper on his desk. Peter opens it and sees an address written on it.

"What's this?"

"Friday night, six o'clock, my house," MJ says. "That's my address. Don't be late."

"Friday night is prom night," Peter points out. "I already told you I'm going."

Michelle stares at him expressionlessly. When she finally speaks, her tone is dead. "You are the dumbest person to ever score over fifteen-hundred on the SAT."

"MJ -"

He's interrupted by the ringing of the bell. MJ is up in a flash, her backpack slung over one shoulder, her coat laid across her other arm. She's in the hallway before Peter gives chase.

"Wait! I don't understand!" he calls after her.

"Ask Ned!" she replies, then continues walking off. Peter stares at her retreating figure. Every time he thinks he's beginning to understand her, she does something that completely puzzles him.

Peter returns to the classroom to pick up his schoolbag. As his luck would have it, the teacher corners him and starts a conversation about grasshopper biology. Peter tries to slowly back his way out of the classroom, but he's not the greatest at maneuvering out of awkward situations. By the time he manages to escape, passing time is over. He curses himself silently; normally he and Ned meet up during the time between classes, and now he'll have to wait until the end of the day to talk to his friend.

During his last class, all Peter can think about is the cryptic message from MJ.

Peter jumps up from the seat when the bell rings. He slings his backpack on and walks as fast as he can out to the parking lot, where Ned is waiting for him.

"Are you okay?" his friend asks when he bursts into sight.

"Yeah, but I need your help with something," Peter replies, as the two friends start walking out of the school.

"Is it -" Ned lowers his voice "-Avengers' business?"

Peter shakes his head. "No, it's more important than that."

Ned's eyes widen. "More important than Captain America?"

"It's about MJ."

Ned stares at him for a solid minute. "You're kidding," he finally says.

Peter digs in his pocket for the note. "She handed this to me and told me to meet her on Friday at six. I'm not sure what she meant by it, and she gave a look that told me I was stupid."

Ned stares at him again.

"It was that exact look!" Peter exclaims. "What am I missing?"

"Dude, she's asking you to prom!" Ned practically yells, shoving the paper into Peter's chest.

Peter can't breathe for a second. "She - what?"

"Well, not really asking. More like telling." Ned shakes his head and sighs. "You're super oblivious, man. You better ask her what color her dress is. Oh, and if she's going to have a date for me."

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