Adoption And Family

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A. N: so this one will be a little bit sad.
Peter was right now sitting in Mrs. Jerkins class who hated Peter to her core. Reason,  Peter was the smartest person she had ever met and most importantly he was smarter than her and her favourite nephew Flash Thompson.

So all in all Mrs. Jerkins could go to any extent to humiliate and punish Peter. She wouldn't let Peter leave the class even if he would be ill. Right now Peter was having a good day as per now.

Neither Flash not Mrs. Jerkins had said anything to him yet. The classes were easy too. So he was a little nervous for his Parker luck.

Suddenly Peter's thoughts were cut off by the ringing of his phone. He started fumbling in his bag hurriedly. When he finally took out the ringing phone out, Mrs. Jerkins was glaring at him.

"Mr. Parker pick up the phone on speaker. Let's see what is more important than this class. " Mrs. Jerkins told Peter.

Peter tried to say something but then left it and picked up the phone.

"is it Mr. Peter Parker speaking? " a male voice rang out in the class.

"yes. " Peter answered.

There was a sharp intake of breath and Peter was having a bad feeling about this.

" I am sorry to say this Mr. Parker but your aunt died today in a car crash. Since she was your last living relative, we are coming to your school right now to take you to child care. "

With that the call ended but the class was shocked. Peter on the other hand was completely lost. He lost his last living relative. He couldn't breath suddenly. He heard his teacher snicker and Mj and Ned calling his name. Suddenly he was bought back in reality by Ned shaking him violently.

He didn't even realized that he was crying. Suddenly his phone started ringing again. The teacher smirked and asked to pick this one on speaker too. Some of the students and Mj told the teacher off, but she didn't listen.

Peter just picked the phone on speaker without checking the caller ID and tony's voice flowed out, " Peter, I swear if you are hurt again, you will be grounded for your life. "

Peter's class was quite shocked at listening Tony Stark's voice. Peter couldn't get himself to say anything but managed to make out a shaky hoarse, " ..Dad.. "

Listening to Peter's crying voice, Tony went in a complete panic mode while the class gasped as Peter called Tony Stark dad.

" Peter,  Bambi. Are you hurt? What happened? Are you OK? Of course you are not OK. Why are you crying? Friday told me your heart rate spiked so I called... " Tony rambled on but was cut off by Peter.

" Aunt May is dead. "

There was a short silence on the other side.

"What happened детка?" Nat voice asked from the other side.

Peter could say anything but managed to say something, " Someone called to tell me that May died on a car crash and they are coming to take me to the child care. I don't want to go мама паук. "

"They can't take you Peter, I have half guardianship over you already. And now since May died, I have full guardianship of you along with Pep.  And even if I didn't had, do you really think we would let you go? We are coming."

With that the call ended too. Soon the door opened and two officers entered.
"Who is Peter Parker?" one of the officers asked.

Peter raised his hand and the officer said, " You need to come with us. "

Peter shook his head and said," I am not going anywhere. My guardian is coming you can talk to him. "

The officers shighed and the second one spoke up, " Your last living relative died Mr. Parker. You don't have anyone left. "

Peter shook his head again and said, " No,  you can check my guardianship. Aunt May only had half guardianship over me. "

The officers brows furrowed and they checked on their phones. The second officer who was checking gasped in shock, " An.. Anthony Stark?"

"Yes, But I prefer Tony Stark. " A voice came by the door of the class.

Peter looked up and ran straightly in Tony's arms. "She is gone ,Dad. "

Tony rubbed Peter's back while hugging him tightly. Pepper Potts and Natasha too entered the classroom.

Natasha moved forward and took Peter's bag and things from his desk while Pepper talked with the officers.

Tony handed over Peter to Natasha and she started whispering shoothing words on his ears while hugging him.

The class was quite shocked to see the Black Widow hug a child. As much as they knew about her, the black widow never showed affection.

Tony and Pepper signed the paper and got full guardianship over Peter. Then Tony turned to the teacher and said, " You teacher, If you don't stop bothering my son along with your nephew, you will get a visit from angry avengers. Peter is our child and we don't let anyone go who hurt him. "

With that he turned around and left the class with Natasha and Peter, who was still clutching Natasha as she was his only life support.

Pepper gave the officers a smile and said, " I would appreciate if you don't leak the news. And the same goes to the class and the teacher. And Ned and MJ,  you both should come to the tower today after school. Happy will come to pick you up and I will inform your parents. " With that Pepper left the room living a gaping class behind.

The last thing the class heard was Pepper telling Peter, "Since you have been already calling Tony Dad, I demand to be called Mom from now on. " and Peter replying with a "Sure, Mom. "

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