A wild Physics Class!

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Peter just couldn't believe it. It wasn't possible. How could this happen?

C -.

Peter had gotten a C minus on his yearly case study project in science. The project that counted for over 50% of his yearly score.

Peter was going to have a panic attack. This C- could lead to his rejection from MIT. And then both Aunt May and Mr. Stark would tell him he is a complete disappointment.And then MJ and Ned would leave him.


Peter felt himself shaking out of his deappreciating thoughts as Ned shook him to get his attention.

"Dude, dude! What did you get?" Ned asked him excitedly as he tried peeking in Peter's papers.

As Ned eyes fell on the C-, all his exitement went down the drain. "Oh."

"I-I ... I don't get it." Peter slowly looked up from the cursed essay up to Ned's sympathetic face. "I really don't get it."

"I don't mean to freak you out but this essay is like, 50% of our unit's total score." Ned said quietly. "It's ..."

"Yeah, I know, Ned."

Though Ned tried to surreptitiously fold his essay away behind his back, Peter already saw that he got an A-. That's enough to get him into MIT. And there was no doubt MJ would get a skyhigh score, too, considering how scarily smart she was.

Judging by the excited hustle and bustle in the class, everyone probably got the result they wanted, too. That left Peter as the only one with a butchered essay in front of him. The C- not only meant he would be missing out on his top favourite school in the whole country ... he would also be separated from his friends.

Peter would much rather be shot with an alien rifle again. In fact, he would cheerfully pick it up and shoot himself if that would turn the C- into an A. Gristly and dark? Yes, but Peter was that desperate.

"Crap. Crap. Crap." Peter ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it up. "This can't be happening, Ned!"

As Peter wallowed in another round of self-pity and fresh panic, Ned walked around the table and peered at the essay from behind Peter's slumped shoulders. He narrowed his eyes at the bolded title.


"Hey, isn't this the paper that you wrote with Mr. Stark?" Ned leaned down and whispered frantically into Peter's ear, which was buzzing loudly.

"Yeah, that's why I thought I would get a really high score!" He almost yelled at Ned, but managed to tone it down to a whisper. To say that he was upset was an understatement. "I don't understand how it got a C minus!"

"Dude, you know that Mrs. Hayes basically just gave the Tony Stark a C minus in Physics by extension, right? The same dude who built the first arc reactor?" Ned clamped both of his hands on Peter's shoulders and shook, trying his darndest to pull his friend from his solo pity party.

But Peter was dead to the world. The boy was mumbling nonsense under his breath and Ned saw what looked suspiciously like tear stains on the paper, too.

No matter, Ned had to do what any best friend must do.

"Mrs. Hayes!" He launched his hand in the air and hollered.

The excited bustle of the class quietened immediately. Everyone's attention was directed to the boy and his depressed companion.

"Peter's got an appeal."

That did the trick. From basically draping his entire body over the table, Peter launched completely upright as Mrs. Hayes' harsh glare swept over him.

"Mr. Parker?"

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