Charity Event

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Peter was working in the lab on a new Stark Pad especially made for art work that was inspired by Steve.

His adoptive dad was out for a meeting with the government and Avengers.

Peter just hoped that it was not something that could lead to anything like the Germany incident.

The lab doors opened and his dad entered. "Hey, kiddo! Finished? "

"Oh, hey dad! And yes. I am finished. " Peter turned to face his dad.

"OK then come Pepper is calling everyone for dinner. " Tony told the spiderling and he nodded. The father son duo moved out of the lab to the dining hall for dinner.

After everyone was seated and dinner was served Peter spoke up, "So what was the meeting for? Nothing serious right? "

Pepper too gave then questioning look as she too wanted answers.

"Oh yes, we were just going to tell you.  The government has asked us to host a charity event. We all have to perform some acts of anything we like to raise funds for charity. " Tony told Peter and Pepper.

Peter's eyes lit up, "Really?? "

"Yes, Pete. " Steve said chuckling with the Avengers at his excitement.

"So what are you guys going to do? "Pepper asked.

Tony shrugged and said, "Well today is Monday and the event will take place on Sunday. So we have almost a week to plan. And Pep you are going to perform with me. "

"Sure " Pepper shrugged with a smile. Then she turned to the others, "So anyone else decided what they are going to do? "

Most of them shrugged while Steve said, "Well we would have to think something special. We want more and more people to join us after all. I am thinking of doing something related to my young days. "

Peter too was thinking what he should do and got a idea.
"Guys, I have a idea. I mean when people will know that the Avengers are performing, they will surely come.  But I was thinking, to gain more attention can we reveal my identity?? I mean if it's okay with you all. "

Peter moved his head down while fidgeting his fingers.

"Of course it's a great idea, Peter. And it's your identity kid,  so it's up to you if you want to reveal it. " Tony told the kid and he smiled.

The Avengers too nodded and started proposing their ideas. 

Peter knew exactly what he was going to do.

Next day at school he told his friends how he was going to reveal his identity. Ned was shaking with excitement.

"But what are you going to perform, dude? " Ned asked and Peter smiled.

"That's a surprise. "

Ned tried his best to get Peter say something but Peter didn't budge.

In Peter's last class, the teacher told the students that he has a announcement.

"So students, as you all know that the Avengers are doing a charity event, in which Spiderman is going to reveal his identity. So our school has too got seats for our students. So whoever wants to come can give their names to the school by tommorow. "

The students cheered and started whispering excitedly.

Soon Sunday came and the people were bursting with excitement. What are the Avengers going to perform? How will it go? And most importantly who is Spiderman?

The students of Midtown high were excited too. Almost every student was present there but Peter was not. And Flash was pointing this to Ned, MJ and his classmates for the whole day.

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