The Group Call in Class

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Peter day was going boring. Like really really boring. Even Flash's mean words couldn't get a reaction out of him. 

So Peter was trying his hardest not to sleep in his physics class while his teacher Mr. Pearson was going on and on some topic which Peter had learnt sometime long ago with Tony. 

Suddenly Peter was bought back from his half sleepless mind with the sudden sound of his phone going off.

Everyone in the class turned to look at him while he fumbled with his bag hurriedly to get his phone.

As soon as his phone was out, Peter saw a hand outstreched in front of him.

Loking up he saw the displeased face of Mr. Pearson. With an embarrassed smile he gave his phone to his teacher.

The teacher hung up and was going back to teaching but stopped as a voice came through Peter's phone.

Avengers Family group call activated

Peter graoned as his classmates gave him confused looks. But the confused looks soon got converted into shocked ones as they heard the Captain America's voice.

"Hey anyone passing by the markets, i need ingredients for today's dinner." - Steve 

"Really Steve, you called on the group call just for that??" - Clint 

Peter was embarrassed so he went to hung up but was stopped by his teacher.

"This is your punishment Mr. Parker." 

Peter sighed and put on the mute button so the Avengers couldn't hear his class and sat back down with his face in his hands.

"Hey can anyone tell me why there are stickers wrappers thrown around in the living room?" - Bruce 

"It's definately not because of me. "- Sam 

"What are you doing with stickers Sam?" Rhodey 

"Oooh I know what he is doing" - Bucky 

"I am sick of this idiots." - Natasha 

"Thank god I am not there." - Strange 

"Why is there a strange smell near Tony's lab?" - Wanda 

"What are you doing Tony?'"- Pepper 

"N-nothing my love.. Dummy don't do that." - Tony 

"Listening to you all is so much fun." - Carol 

"How are you on this call???" - Tchalla 

"Space has good networking. " Peter Q 

All the students gasped and whispered even more than before while Peter was ready for the floor to swallow him. But unfortunately the floor was hard solid.

"I need eggs, flour and chocolates formaking cookies."- Steve 

"Don't you dare tell them you hundred year old barbie." - Sam.

"But why it's gonna be so much fun." - Bucky 

"Has anyone seen my arrows?" - Clint 

"I am going to murder you Clint."- Natasha 


"Shuri, stop for once in your life." - Tchalla 

"Where are my poptarts?" Thor 

Brother come give me a hug. " Loki 

"What the hell are you doing dummy??" Tony 

"Tony get out of the labs right now." Pepper 

"I see a prosthetic. " Rocket 

" I am groot." Groot 

By now Peter had enough. He got up from his seat, snatched the phone out of his teachers hand, unmuted himself and took a deep sigh before starting," I will get the ingerdieents while coming back Uncle Steve. Uncle Bucky stop teasing Uncle Sam and Uncle Sam stop putting Falcon stickers on the living rooms walls. Uncle Clint your arrows are under your pillow where you kept them and Aunt Nat please don't kill your best friend. Shuri please listen to your brother for once . Uncle Thor your poptarts are in the second cabonet and Uncle Loki please stop stabbing Uncle Thor in the names of hug. Dad don't talk to dummy like that and get out of the labs as Mom said. Rocket don't steal prosthetics, stealing is bad and Groot, we all love you too."  Peter took a deep sigh to calm himself down and then said, " And if I got another call during my class I will hang you all from the ceiling. Good day.

With that Peter hung up and took a deep breath. Looking up he saw the shocked looks of his classmates and teacher.

"Peter, did you just called Tony Stark and The pepper Potts dad and mom??" Betty asked. 

"Yeah I guess I did! But can we just get on with the class. I mean it's not worth it if I just threathned to hang them from the ceiling for disturbing my class and I am not even studying?" Peter said looking at his teacher.

The teacher just nodded still dazed and started the class again. But all the students were focused on Peter who was now dreading every word he just said. 

Peter apologized to his family for threathening them but also requested to not to call him during class. But we all know the Avengers and we certainly know that some of then will definately not let pass any chance of embarrasing our baby spider.

Let's just say that those some of the Avengers had the greatest three hours of their life hanging down the ceiling.

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