Excuses! --- Prequel

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In the last chapter, Mr. Harrington wondered if Peter's excuses were real or not. So yes, they were all in fact true.

But how? Read and find out.

1. There was a man and a snake stuck in tree. Together. I had to get them out before the snake stabbed the man.

Peter was having quite a nice day. He woke up on time. Ate chocolate chip pancakes made by Steve and was ready to leave for school on time.

Just as he came out of the compound, he heard Thor's loud booming voice.

"Brother, is that you?"

Peter turned to look and found Thor standing below a tree looking up at a green snake.

Before Peter could comprehend what was happening, Thor climbed up the tree and catched the snake. The snake hissed making Thor lose his balance and get tangled in the branches and the vines growing along the tree.

By the time Peter neared the tree, Thor had managed to get himself completely tangled in the branches and the vines wrapped all around him. The snake on the other hand was too stuck in some vines still captured in Thor's hand.

Peter took a closer look at the snake and the way the snake kept hissing at Thor while shaking his head made him realise it was indeed Loki this time and not some garden snake that Thor mistook as Loki.

Peter sighed as he took his bagpack off and placed it down by the tree trunk. Then he carefully started untangling the vines from all around Thor's body.

After around twenty minutes of hard work, finally Thor and Loki were free.

" Thank you young son of Stark for getting me out of the tree. I shall reward you with a full box of tarts of pop." Thor told Peter as he patted his back.

"Uh..sure Uncle Thor. But right now I kind of need to get to school." Peter said checking his watch." Oh man. I am gonna be late. Again."

With that he gave a final wave to Thor and Loki who was still in Thor's hand and left.

That day as he entered the classroom and told Mr. Harrington the reason on why he was late, Mr. Harrington kindly corrected him.

" Mr. Parker I think you wanted to say bite. Snakes normally bite people, not stab them."

"Only if you knew sir that this snake is definately not normal." Peter muttered quietly to himself.


2. A stupid bird blocked my way.

The next time Peter got late was because of one and only Clint Barton. Clint had decided to prank Natasha the day before. (May his soul rest in piece.) And now he was asking Peter to save him.

Clint had blocked Peter's and everyone's else way to the elevator as he begged Peter to hide him somewhere safe. Peter had tried to make him understand again and again that he was getting late, but Clint was adamant.

Since Nat was still sleeping due to after effects of the prank, this was the chance for him to hide. Finally Peter got fed up with him and lifted him off the ground with one hand and put him out of the way as Clint looked at him dumbfounded.

Apparently Clint had forgotten the fact that Peter had super strength.


3. An alien cat ate my bagpack.

This time Peter had kind of expected it. He knew leaving his bagpack beside Goose, who just loved swallowing objects around him was a bad idea.

But Peter still left his bagpack beside Goose. And the next morning he couldn't find it anywhere.

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