The coolest mom ever!!

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Peter's day was going good. Flash hadn't done anything rash and Peter had been able to finish all of his classes without any problem. Right now he was sitting in his last class thinking of what he would do when the Avengers would come back from their mission.

"Class attention! I have an announcement. So tomorrow we are having a career day for you all. Bring your parents or guardian with you so that they can talk about their careers. And then you will tell the class about your career choices. Bringing someone with you is completely mandatory. Have a good day and you are dismissed." Mr. Warren said and the students started whispering about themselves.

Peter's mood immediately went sad from happy hearing the news. He could hear Flash snicker behind him. After everyone left, Peter went to Mr. Warren.

"Um..Mr. Warren,is it necessary to attend the event? You know I don't have parents and my aunt is really busy with her work." Peter told him.

"Sorry Mr. Parker. I wish I could do something. You have many unexcused absences and the school board said it was necessary for the students to join who have higher absence record. And it's not necessary if your aunt can't come, you can just talk about your career choices." Mr. Warren said with a sad smile.

"But my absence were because of my Stark internship!" Peter tried to defend himself.

"I know Peter. I believe you but others don't. I am really sorry." With that Mr. Warren left.

Peter's shoulder's slumped in defeat and he got out of the class. He met with Ned and MJ who clearly understood the reason behind Peter's sadness.

Suddenly Peter was shoved by a Someone else that was none other than of cource Flash.

"Puny Parker! Who are you bringing tomorrow for the career day, Parker?  Your dead parents, Huh? You know when my mom told me that our school was planning career day, I suggested her to check the attendance record and make the students come who were absent a lot. Guess you will have to sit and watch everyone's parents, Parker!" Flash sneered and smirked at Peter before leaving. 

Peter was shocked and angry. He couldn't belive that Flash would go to this extent just to make fun of him. And he really couldn't believe that the school board is not doing anything against it.

But Peter knew he couldn't do anything. He was not rich and powerful like Flash's parents and he didn't wanted to use Tony. 

So he just left the school and directly went to Happy. Getting inside the car, he greeted happy and then turned back to look outside the window.

Happy knew something was wrong with Peter when he didn't started rambling like he usually does. He decided to tell pepper about it.

When they reached the tower, Peter directly went to the labs. Since all the Avengers were on mission or out of the city and Pepper was busy with her work, Peter knew nobody would disturb him for now.

While working on some projects, a thought of telling Tony about this came in Peter's mind. But he quickly threw it away. He knew Tony would make a big deal about it. And since Peter had started calling him dad from a month ago, Tony was even more protective of him.

Peter still thinks it is funny how he had called Tony Dad and freaked out about it. But Tony was really happy and from that day Tony refused to listen to him, if Peter called him anything other than Dad.

Peter's thoughts were cut short as someone entered the lab. Peter turned to see a Little concerned looking Pepper comig towards him." Hey Peter! How was school?"

"Hi Pep! It was fine." Peter tried his best to seem normal.

But Pepper saw through his facade easily." Peter, you can tell me anything, you know! " She said as she sat down beside Peter on a chair.

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