The interview

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"Okay class. Don't forget to do your homework. Class dismissed. " Mr. Warren said and the class started packing up there bags.

Peter too hurriedly packed up his bags and left the class to find Ned and MJ. Since they had a decathlon meet today, Peter decided to meet them directly in the class.

Entering the classroom Peter saw Betty, Cindy, Abe and unfortunately Flash present there.

He still went and took a seat across the others. They were all talking about some interview excitedly.

Suddenly Peter's senses flared and Peter immediately looked up. The bulb was loose and was soon going to crash but Peter managed to push the table up and create a shed for his classmates. "Get down guys!!!"

But a piece of glass managed to cut Peter's hand.

Betty was the first one to come out of shock. "Oh my god! Are you okay, Peter? Your hand, it's bleeding. You need to go to the medical room. "

At that moment other students soon with Mr. Harrington came running in.

MJ noticed Peter's bleeding hand ran up to him. She took out a handkerchief and tied it around his hand and asked, "You okay, loser? "

Worry danced in her eyes as Peter winced a little at the pressure from her hand. But he still nodded and said, "Yeah, I am fine. Don't worry. "

"What happened?" Mr. Harrington asked and Cindy told them the incident.

She then turned to Peter and said, "Thank you so much Peter for saving us. "

Peter gave her a smile. Mr. Harrington turned to Peter and said, "Peter, I think you should go back home. We weren't going to do anything important today anyway. We were just going to watch an interview. And go and get a look at your hand at the infirmary. "

Peter was going to protest but MJ gave him a look and he agreed. He bidded Ned and MJ and the class good bye and left. But suddenly Flash spoke up, "Parker wait..... Thank you. For saving me today. And I  am sorry for bullying you all those days."

He looked genuinely sorry so Peter just gave him a awkward smile and said," It's fine Flash. " and left.

The class was cleaned and the teammates sat down to watch the interview. Mr. Harrington faced the class and said, "Well you all must be wondering whose interview we are watching today. So let me tell you that we are watching the interview of..... THE AVENGERS!!! "

The class cheered while Ned and MJ shared a look clearly knowing that Peter was on his way to the tower.

The interview started and the students could see the avengers and Pepper sitting in the living room of the tower. Ned and MJ recognized it immediately as they had been here so many times.

"Hello everyone, this is Mia Clark present here with the Avengers themselves for an exclusive Avengers interview. So let's start the interview with everyone introducing themselves. " Mia said as the Avengers waved at the camera.

Tony cleared his throat and said, "You all know who I am. " At this some avengers chuckled while Pepper smacked Tony on his arm.

"Fine fine. Hello, I am Tony Stark aka Iron Man. "

At this Pepper smiled and said, "Hello, I am Pepper Potts. "

"Steve Rogers and Captain America. "

"Clint Barton and the best Avenger Hawkeye. "

Natasha smacked him on his head and said, "Natasha Romanoff and Black Widow. "

"Hello, I am Dr. Bruce Banner and the hulk. "

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