Not the regular Nerds!!

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Peter, Ned and MJ were done with their school. It was too much now. They decided now that this year, Midtown high was going down and they will make sure of it. All the Avengers were supporting them too along with Pepper. 

Now you all must be wondering what is going on exactly? So let me tell you long story short how Midtown high asked for a death wish.

Everyone in the Midtown high knew that the trio of Peter, Ned and MJ was the main reason for their wins in every academic competitions. The trio named as the 'The Nerd Trio' was the best when it came to competitions especially related to technology and science and business.

Since their frshmen year, the trio had been winnig every academic competition they took part in and brought gold medals and trophies for the school. Everyone in the school also knew how the three friends always stayed together no matter what. There was a special connection and bonding between the three.

Ned was great at anything when it came to technology. He was like the happy go lucky guy of the three. Everyone saw how he could comfort Peter and MJ, listen to their problems and help them with anything. They also knew how Ned was complete loyal to his friends.

Next came MJ. She was known for her emotionless face and high not-listening-to-anyone attitude. She was the face of the group too. If anyone came at the trio , they had to get through MJ. And facing MJ was not an easy thing. She was also great at studies and her business tactics could bring anyone down. Everyone also knew that she was hell protective of the two friends she had. They also could see how MJ who was emotionless would blush and smile at her boyfriend Peter's words and that was something they had never expected.

And as for Peter then he was the anchor of his group as well as Midtown high. Always bubbly and happy even after been through so much in his life, he was a literal ball of sunshine. And as for Midtown high everyone knew that the kid was genius. If he was on a academic competition, it was 100% sure that they were gonna win.

And most importantly he never bragged or took the credit about it even when everyone knew that the team won solely by his effort.

So now after being neglected and called upon for three years, the trio decided to not to sign up for any academic clubs this year. They instead choose to pick the arts clubs. Like Peter went to the photographic club, Ned choose the chess club and MJ in creative writing.

They all have told their parents and the Avengers about it. When Tony and Pepper had found out how their now adopted son was completely neglected, they were going to do much much worse. But the trio stopped them and told their plans.

And now because Peter and his friends left the academic clubs, Midtown high was losing every competition. All the teacher and students were now realizing how much they relied on Peter when it came to the academic competitions.

So right now the trio was in the assembly chatting with each other when their names were announced.

"Mr. Leeds , Ms. Jones and Mr. Parker. It has come to our knowledge that you have left the academic clubs this year. This is not acceptable. You should join the club's again." Mr. Morita said and MJ scoffed as the other two rolled their eyes.

"Mr. Morita, we are not doing anything wrong. According to the rule book, we are needed to join atleast one of the clubs and we did. It is not mentioned that we can't leave the clubs at our choice." Ned said with a smile.

"And also you always said that we should join other things too. So we did. We were in the academic clubs for three years and now we wanted a change so we did. " Peter added politely.

MJ too came front and said," And if I remember correctly Mr. Morita then when ever we won a match or a competition, either it was local level or national, our names were either taken at last or not taken at all. That clearly means we are not that important for the team. And if we are not doing that good in the clubs, we thought it was best to leave them and try something new instead of wasting our and teams time and effort." 

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