The Cliché Field Trip (part 2)

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Summary-So,  Peter has a field trip to Tower. Friday called him baby stark in front of everyone and Clint dropped by to embarrass him and now they are going to the next destination.

Chloe  takes them to the next destination that are the lower level interns lab.  They all scramble out of the elevator and are amazed by the technology. Peter just chuckles thinking of their reaction if they saw his personal lab.

They all move towards one of the labs where some interns are working. Chloe stops them and says, " Everyone, these are the lower level intern labs. Please refrain from touching anything. It can be dangerous. And don't disturb anyone. And also, here you all be given equipments to make a robot and the best robot gets a prize. " She tells them excitedly while the students cheer.

They all enter the labs and one of the head interns comes to greet them.
" Hey Chloe! And Hello everyone, I am Ryan one of the head interns and welcome to lower level labs."

Then his eyes land on Peter and his friends. His eyes widen and he quickly strengthens and greets Peter.
" Mini-stark, it's an honor to meet you. As well as Mr. Leed and Ms. Jones. But what are you guys doing here in the lower level labs?"

Peter scratches his neck nervously trying to avoid the wide-eyed and shocked looked of his classmates, teacher and Chloe. " Uh.. Actually we are with the tour. It's our class. "

Ryan just nodded and leaded them inside to a empty lab with tables. When everyone was inside, he started, " So, everyone, here you all have every equipment you will need to make a robot. You just have to make a robot that can take command with or without a controller and is able to at least move itself. You will have have half an hour to do so. So get started. "

Everyone except Peter, Ned and MJ rushes to start working. The teacher is annoyed with the three's behavior and says, " Mr. Parker, Mr. Leeds and Ms. Jones you have to participate too. "

Before any of them could answer, Ryan says " Actually teacher,  These are the one who created this competition and the robot in the first place. And also they already are interns at the S. I so they can't participate. "

"Oh" Mr. Harrington seems to understand and shut his mouth while some of the students who heard that gaped at the trio.

Peter and Ned decided it would be better to help the other interns with their projects, instead of just standing by and MJ just decided to read her book.

When everyone's robots were completed, The trio was called to judge. They choose Cindy and Abe's robots to be best and the both were given gift coupons.

When they all came out of the labs, Chloe said its time for lunch and all of them moved towards the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was a amazing place. They all could order anything of upto 20$. All the students quickly reached for their favourite food. Peter, Ned and MJ too moved but we're stopped by a shout,


At instinct Peter yelled Back,

And soon the three teenagers were laughing along Shuri.
Then Peter cried, " Shuri!! " and ran to hug her. While Shuri exclaimed at the same time, " Fiance!!"

Hearing it Peter stopped and glared at Shuri, " When are you going to leave that? "

Shuri just grinned at that. "Never."

Peter pouted and turned to MJ, " MJ, can you please ask Shuri so leave it. I am sure she will listen to you. "

MJ just smirked and said, " Sorry, Loser, but it's fun to see you embarrassed. And Hii Shuri. "

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