Avengers Week with Class(part 1)

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Peter was sitting in last class of the week. He was utterly excited. All the Avengers were going to have a Avengers weeks next week starting from Monday.

It meant that all the Avengers would be at the tower for a whole week. They all will have movies, training, games, wars and many more fun to do.

Peter has invited Ned and MJ too. After all they were his best friend and girlfriend. And they were personal intern to Bruce Banner and Pepper Potts too.

The bell rang and Peter jumped out of his seat to leave but Mr. Harrington stopped the students. "Students I have an important announcement."

All the students sit back down and Peter groaned. He wanted to leave the school as soon as possible. 

Mr. Harrington was smiling greatly and when everyone settled down he started," Class we are having a week long surprise fieldtrip." 

The class cheered while Peter, Ned and MJ looked at each other. Peter raised his hand and Mr. Harrington asked," Yes, Mr. Parker?"

" Sir I am having a family week. So I will not be able to attend the field trip. And Ned and MJ are joining my family so they will not come too. " Peter told the teacher and the class was quite astonished by the information.

" Oh. Ok Peter. But I have to say that where we are going is quite interesting place." Mr. Harrington said.

" But I can assure you sir nothing can be more intresting than Peter's family." Ned said.

Flash scoffed at that and said," Family? Aren't you a orphan Parker?"

Peter just ignored him and left the class with Ned and MJ. The three friends entered the car and happy took them to the tower.

The weekend went by quite normally. All the Avengers were going to come on Monday. So the trio has decided to finish their assignment and homeworks within Sunday.

On the other hand Peter's class was thinking about what Ned had said but could get an outcome.

Monday Morning.

Peter woke up with a smile on his face. The Avengers week has started. He got up from the bed and shook MJ awake.

Peter and MJ shared a room in the tower. Mj woke up and glared at Peter. Peter gave her a sheepish smile and she smiled.

They both freshened up and left for breakfast. Tony was already there with a cup of coffee in his hand. 

" Good morning Bambi! Scary Girl!" Tony greeted the duo. They greeted him back and took out cereals to eat.

" And yes Peter I forgot to tell you two and Ned that a school group will stay with us during the whole Avengers week thingie. And you don't need to hide your identity from them. They all signed the NDAs and of course we are having the interviews on Friday to reveal it anyways." Tony told them before heading back to his lab.

Peter just nodded. He thought that it might be a good idea to have a few people of his age around.

He and MJ then decided to go to the training rooms for some training. Ned was already in the labs with Dr. Banner.


At the Midtown high , a group of students were buzzing with excitement. They all were going on a week long field trip to a place which is really intresting according to Mr. Harrington.

They all boarded the bus and the whole ride everyone whispered and talked about the places they could go. 

Soon they reached their destination and the students couldn't believe their eyes. They were standing in front of THE AVENGERS TOWER!!!

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