He's Not My Son! He's My Kid!

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A/N: So in this one only Tony knows Peter's identity as Spiderman among the Avengers. And none of them have met Peter either.

TW: school shooting and violence.

Peter could feel the danger lurking. His senses were warning him throughout the day. Something was definitely wrong.

Since the moment Peter had entered his school, his senses had gone haywire. Peter was trying to keep an eye out for any danger lurking, but couldn't find anything.

So he had just asked Ned and MJ to be alert and safe for now.

Now Peter was sitting in his chemistry class when suddenly his senses flared up and soon a gun shot was heard.

The teacher immediately closed the door and the students started huddling behind the desks. Peter made eye contact with Ned and MJ.

They both looked panicked and a little scared. MJ tried her best to hide it, but Peter could still see the worry in her eyes.

Suddenly the door slammed open and a man in mask with a gun entered. Pointing the gun at the teacher, he said in a gruff voice, "All of you, hands over your head and move to the auditorium. And put your phones in here. "

He said as he put a bag on the teacher's desk. Half of the students were crying silently by now. The teacher too looked scared and worried.

Everyone kept their phones in the bag and moved forward. Peter tried to look at the other students from other classes only to get a shove from behind.

"Move, boy. "

Soon the whole school was huddled in the auditorium. Peter, Ned and MJ had ended up with their other decathlon mates.

"What are we going to do, dude? " Ned whispered to Peter.

"I need to call Mr. Stark. " Peter whispered back even though he knew people around him could hear him.

At this a small scoff came from the side and then Flash spoke, "Really, Parker? You are still on the lie? "

MJ gave Flash a death glare and hissed, "Do you think someone would lie at this moment? "

Peter ignored flash and said into his watch, "Karen, call Mr. Stark. Minimum volume. "

Soon Peter heard his dad-i mean mentor's voice, "Peter, aren't you supposed to be at school? "

The voice was low so everyone could hear only snippets of it but with his super hearing Peter could hear every word clearly.

"Shooters at school, Mr. Stark. There are at least 15 of them. They have grouped us all in the auditorium but haven't hurt anyone although I did heard a gun shot earlier. " Peter mumbled in the watch.

Thankfully Karen picked up the words and conveyed them to Tony.

"I will be there in 10 mins. " Tony said and hung up.

While the others looked scared and yet quite shocked with what happened right now, nobody said anything.

Peter took the moments to look around and try to find some ways of taking down the shooters if something happens.

Five minutes passed and nothing happened. Suddenly one of the man took out his walkie talkie and talked in it.

He then turned to the school and said, " We asked the government to release our leader in exchange of your all lives. But it looks like they aren't taking us seriously. Well, we will have to change that ,right? "

He sneered at the end and looked around over all the students.

"We will have to stop him until Mr. Stark comes. " Peter whispered and looked around.

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