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It took a lot of good talking to to convince Reid to come living with Morgan, Savannah and Hank for a few days after being released from the hospital but eventually Spencer gives in and is now standing in the entrance of their home looking at the toys spread in the living room. "There you are." With a wide smile Savannah pulls him into a hug.

"Thank you for doing this."

"Of course." She turns away but not without whispering. "Let's be honest I only wanted someone here who can take care of a baby."

"You definitely picked the wrong one." Spencer prompts feeling a steady hand on his back. "Would you mind if I take a shower? I am kind of grossed out by myself at this point."

"Of course, let me help you get your bag upstairs and I will show you the bathroom." Morgan showes Spencer the guestroom before leading him to a bathroom. "This will be Hank's later but you can use it for the next days."

"Thank you." They share a moment of uncomfortable silence.

"Maybe don't lock the door okay? Nobody uses this, nobody will accidentally come in but if you pass out nobody will get in if you have it looked."

"You always get a door to open." Reid jokes.

"I am being serious."

"I will not lock the door." He feels better after having a shower and coming back down into the kitchen where Hank is placed in his chair smiling wide at Spencer. "Hey Buddy."

"Spencer." Shocked Spencer looks at Morgan.

"Yeah that's Spencer little one. And I think you made him speechless."

"Spencer!" He stretches his arms out reaching for Spencer to pick him up.

"That's me." Insecure Spencer looks at him not following the kids wishes.

"You can take him if you want." Morgan encourages him but Spencer shakes his head moving a little bit back again. "You don't have too."

Savannah places the food on the table while listening to the conversation. She had closed Spencer deeply into her heart and is happy he would be there for a few days and that she has an opportunity to show him that he means something to her.

"I am sure you are hungry. I know the hospital stuff is terrible and I tried to sneak you in all the jello I could find." Savannah had used little breaks on her shifts to look after him and ask if everything was alright and just being there if he needed someone to talk.

"Thank you for that by the way."

"No problem at all." Savannah stays till after dinner and then leaving for her nightshift. Morgan had placed the toodler down to sleep before coming back down to Reid who is putting the dishes into the dishwasher.

"You don't have to do that you are here to recover."

"I recovered in the hospital. I am fine doing some dishes."

"No you are not. You are shaking like leaf when you stand to long. You are holding yourself at the counter right now so I don't see that your knees are about to buckle." Morgan calls him out. "Let's sit you down for a second."

"I am not about to faint. I just feel a little bit weak on my legs in general."

"Then let's get you to the couch-"

"Can I go to sleep?"

"Yeah, you can. Of course." Morgan insists on coming with up the stairs but then says good night and leaves him in the room and the light in the corridor on.

Spencer wakes up in the middle of the night from Hanks crying but hears shortly after Morgans footstep so he left them to it. He only wakes up again when he hears Savannah and Morgan talk in the kitchen in the morning,so he throws on some sweatpants and goes downstairs. "Look who is awake." Morgan greets him. "Did you get any sleep?"

"Yeah, I slept pretty good how was your shift Savannah?"

"Boring because I couldn't sneak away to steal some Jello for my favorite patient."

"I am sure you could make some money with the Jello."

"I get why you call him a genius." She remarks jokingly to Morgan before announcing that she is about to fall asleep standing up and leaves for her well deserved rest.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

"Whatever you have is fine."


"Perfect." He sits down at the kitchen counter on one of the barstool taking one of Hanks toys and handing it to Hank and starting to play a little bit with him.

Morgan watches them both from his place, taking in the sight. He had originally hoped they would have got the chance to spend some time together sooner, he hadn't planned Spencer to go to jail.

They take the day slow. Spencer mostly napping on the couch till Savannah gets up at noon which caused him to be uncomfortable doing that.

She makes him a tea, sits down next to him and they talking a little bit while Morgan is upstairs with Hank when Spencer faints for a very short time. He doesn't even really noticed it first till he realizes that Savannah had changed her position and looks at him quizzing. "Did I-"

"Yeah but it wasn't even 20 seconds." She had taken the cup out of his hand and now places it back. "You can sleep if you feel exhausted you don't have to feel guilty. I was joking yesterday, you don't have to help with anything you can just stay here and let us spoil you."

"I just- I didn't even tell him I was in prison and we talked so less that he didn't even noticed and now- He is still- I don't know why he still is so kind to me."

"Because he loves you. He felt guilty about leaving you and he worried about you a lot but you know him and his ego. He wouldn't call and he knows now that that was wrong but don't think that all those time you two didn't talk he didn't think about you."

"Mommy." Smiling her son comes running towards the couch wanting to be picked up. Morgan sit down on the other couch behind Reid's back. The kid gets himself out of his mother's arms crawling to Reid who places his cup down and then looks stressed out at the boy.

"Nothing can happen. You are sitting down. I am sitting right behind you you won't let him fall down." Morgan encourages him, knowing Spencer's fear to drop him or hurt when he faints.

"You don't know that I just fainted for 20 seconds and didn't even realize it." With a big smile the toddler grabs Reid's shirt and pulls himself into a standing position causing Spencer to hold him at his waist. "Hey" Hank didn't answer and instead went over Spencer's face with his hands, giggling when Spencer scrunched his nose.

And suddenly Spencer felt the panic rush in. "Take him" He says firmly and Savannah does immediately and pulls him back to herself. "Take him. I can't hold him."

"Hey,hey,hey, it's alright. Everything is alright. Savannah has him nothing can happen." Morgan promises stepping around the couch and seating himself between Spencer who is sitting crossed leg facing him and Savannah. "Its okay,no need to panic."

"I don't know- I- I-"

"Breathe, Spencer." It takes Morgan a while to calm him down again while Savannah left the room giving them some space. "Did anything ever happen with Henry or Micheal?" Spencer shakes his head looking down at his lap. "Exactly. Because you are already carefully watching the signs but I know you are even more careful when you are holding a child."

"I am sorry."

"There is no reason for that. Come here." He pulls him into a hug, bringing them down to lay on the couch while Morgan plays with his hair. Savannah finds them like this. Both of them asleep and she couldn't help but smile at that sight because eventhough Morgan didn't admit it she knew Morgan didn't close his eyes for a longer than two hours at ones since Reid had been admitted to the hospital.

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