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"So what's been bugging you all day?" Emily asks as they walk down the path of a park after leaving the crime scene.

"Probably the cut open body we just saw."

"Oh so now the body's start bugging you before you even know about them?" She asks sarcastically. "C'mon spit it out."

"I really want to go to this concert."

"You and concerts?"

"I don't know. I just heard their record for quite some time now and they are playing next week. I even got tickets but you now,they weren't any seat tickets so-"

"You are afraid you will pass out."

"Pretty much."

"Well which band is it?"

"Wallows. It's probably nothing you have heard before. I didn't, it was actually coincidence I wanted to by a new vinyl and wanted to try something I hadn't heard of and chose theirs."

"Well I haven't but you said you bought tickets so when we get home on time and you want that, I can go with you."

"Really?" Happily his eyes lit up.

"Really. I am not shying away from a good concert."

"Thank you." To Emily's suprise she is being pulled into a tight hug.

"You are welcome."

They are standing in the back of the hall. To their left a wall and not far behind them another one. They are agents after all and Spencer had gave her the most random facts about the band over the last days but the smile he had when he told Rossi where they are going was worth it. She hasn't seen that smile in a long time on him. He was enthusiastic gesturing with his hands and fingers as he spoke and Rossi was immediately infected by it, having a smile on his lips himself.

Spencer got through good a half of the concert before stepping closer to Emily who pulls him into a half hug while sliding down at the wall that was prior on her left, pulling him entirely on her lap like a child, his face buried in her neck.

The security didn't need long to come over but after a quick explanation and pulling out Spencer's badge from his pocket, they are left alone except one of them standing by close until he wakes up incase they need anything. "You want to stay down for a second?"

"I can't really see from down there."

"Just listen for a few minutes that what this is about anyway." Calming she pushes his head down again, stroking his hair.

Her new position as a unit chief didn't give her much time to spend time with him over the last weeks and she misses the way they were before everything happened. Before Paris and before she left again. For a long time she thought she would never gain his trust back but now he is curled up in her arms and maybe she told him to stay down a little bit longer than necessary just to feel this close again.

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