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"Where the hell have you been?" Furious Morgan gets up from his seat when he sees Spencer walking in.

"I-I- I over slept and then had to pick up a package. I am not that late."

"You could have called." Hotch says.

"I am not that late it's eight thirty. Rossi comes in at this time every day."

"But you don't. You are normally here at seven." Morgan tells him.

"Which should give me the allowance to come in late ones."

"Then call or give a heads up when you decide that-"

"Morgan comes in late every second day, Rossi sometimes comes in after most of us did our lunch break. This is not fair." Pissed off, Spencer throws his empty coffee cup in the trash can and walks out of the conference room.

"Well that didn't went well." Rossi comments.

"I am gonna go talk to him-" Morgan makes an attempt to leave the room but Hotch stops him.

"You were the one starting this let someone else talking to him."

"I'll go." Alex gets up and needs a while to find Spencer sitting in an old office. "Can I come in?"

"So you can yell at me for not being on time?"

"So I can talk to you about why the others yelled." Spencer just shrugged and she walks in and closes the door behind her. Not that it did much since there are windows facing the corridor but at least the conversation would be private. "Tell me what was in the package?"

"A doctor who figure. I missed the postman ringing yesteray so I had to pick it up at the post office."

"That sounds like a nice reason to be late."

"I thought it was too." With a sad look on his face Spencer plays with the zipper at his bag.

"You know why they yelled at you don't you?"

"It's not fair."

"I know."

"No you don't. All of my life there was always something different about me and I just want to be treated like everybody else."

"And you are but you have friends here that worry about you and coming in late without texting or calling is what makes that worry grow." Guilty Spencer looks at her for a moment before she pulls him into a half hug. "Just give us a heads up the next time okay?"

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