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Happily Micheal climbs up the climbing wall at the park behind Spencer's apartment, while he was standing directly behind him holding his hands only inches away in case he falls. "You are pretty good at this."

"I practiced!"

"You really did." JJ had brought him over since she and Will have a doctors appointment with Henry. Nothing to worry about just a regularly check up. "C'mon let's try the slide." He helps Micheal the last bit up before running around the framework and waiting in front of the slide for him as he felt his vision blurry. "I will catch you."

"Coming." With a giggle the kid slides into his godfathers arms before his knees buckle.

"I need you to stay here okay? Everything is alright, but you need to stay right here with me okay?" And then he loses concussion, the boy still in his arms, hitting his own head at edge of the slide.

He wakes up to Micheal screaming and a woman tearing him away from him, despite his best to hold onto his jacket before losing consciousness again.

When he wakes up again needles to say he panicka. "Micheal?" He doesn't recognize where he is. "Micheal?" He tries again before a hand pushes him down again. "No no no, my godson, he was with me, where is he? He was supposed to stay with me. I need to-" He struggles to get up but hands held him down.

"Spencer he is safe."

"I need to- my godson- Oh God- I need to-"

"Spencer look at me." The person demands and Spencer looks at the man hovering over him. "There you go, Micheal is with JJ it's okay, nothing happened to him."


"I am your emergency contact in your phone the hospital called me, he is fine."

"He is fine?"

"He is fine. He is just a little bit shaken but JJ is with him." Relived he falls back into the mattress.

"Someone took him from me, I really tried to keep him safe."

"And he is. Everything is okay. You hit your head that's why you had problems staying awake." Morgan says trying to comfort him. "How do you feel?"

"Is JJ mad? Oh god she will never let-"

"Stop." Morgan cubbs his face with his hands. "You did your best to keep him safe. She is not mad okay?"

"He could have run away or get hurt."

"But he didn't."

"I am so sorry." He sobs, all the panic and confusion washing over him.

"She knows."

"Can I see him?"

"Give yourself a moment to come down okay?" He nods but doesn't really manage too so Morgan sends them in. Sadly Spencer watches JJ carry her youngest son in before placing him down on the bed. Spencer pulls him into a hug and starts crying even more.

"They just took him. He was screaming and someone took him. I am so sorry."

"He is concussed." Morgan tells JJ quietly who is not entirely surprised by the reaction it self but by how strong it is.

"He is safe now,Spence." The kid settles onto his godfathers chest, holding his own blankie Will had dropped off at the hospital.

"I didn't want them to take him. I tried, I didn't-"

"Well I have him back and until you have your brain function entirely back this is all we need to talk about."

"Can I hold him a little bit longer?"

"Of course." He strokes the child's back till his hand eventually stops and he and Micheal are asleep. "What are we gonna do with him?"

"I will keep an eye on him. Take your son home and don't be so hard on Spencer when he comes back."

"I won't." Morgan knows JJ is struggling between the fact that it really wasn't Spencer's fault and the fact that he could have just stayed inside his apartment with him. "He looks to adorable for that anyway."

"Children have me so wrapped around the finger by now that I agree."

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