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"Let me-" Matt grabs Reids upper arm to help him off the floor after he found the man laying on the ground in an old office. "I've got you."

"Thank you but if you don't mind I would actually like to- Can you maybe leave me alone?" He asks shyly.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Yeah, I will be fine."

"Then I will be gone before you can blink." Sceptical he leaves Reid alone who immediately slumps back to the ground, leaning his head against the old couch in the room and passing out again.

It went on for quite some time,he wakes up again, struggles to stay awake, pulling himself up the ground and fainting again,he got through half the room when he starts begging for Matt to come back.

Why did he send him away? He pushes himself up, getting a grip on the doorframe and walks a few steps into the hallway when he saw him again.

"Matt?" He asks scared before falling back down. The pain is never there the moment he hits the ground he will feel it in his bones later that day.

Matt meanwhile was nowhere near Reid, he had gone back to his cubicle and is working when a distraught Spencer comes in, shaking violently. JJ gets up first, walking towards him. "Sit down Spence." She pulls a chair from a free table back guiding him down and Matt got the slight feeling that maybe Reid had lied to him earlier.

"Matthew- I saw him- in the- in the corridor- he- he didn't stop."

"I did stop,you said you are fine."

"No- no after- why didn't you stop?" It is pretty clear to everyone that Matt hadn't done such thing and Reid had been dreaming while he passed out.

"I wasn't there, I was down here the whole time."

"I saw you."

"You probably were barely concussion." JJ says having one hand on his shoulder. "He was with us the whole time I promise."

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