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When Reid woke up, he was laying in an alley, were he definitely didn't was before and panicked, pushed himself of the ground, walking shaking to the end of it and realizing he was just dragged around the corner.

He felt his pockets for his wallet and was suprised to find it with his badge and gun. Just the money was gone. It seemed like someone saw him and took the opportunity and then probably shied away at the sight of the gun.

Since they was a really low chance they would find this guy and it was only 30 bucks, he had continued to walk home but in the morning he is greeted by red scratches over his left cheek bone.

"What happened to you?" JJ asks as they are seated around the conference table.

"Nothing." He claimed embarrassed looking down on the file.

"Did you hit your head?"

"It's just a scratch."

"Like someone pulled you over concrete or something." Tara says earning herself a death glare from him.

"So someone did." Rossi says.

"I don't know. I woke up in an alley my money was gone the rest was still there." He bits out quietly.

"Did you go to the police?" Emily asks.

"Over 30 bucks? No that's ridiculous."

"Over someone dragging an unconscious man into an alley to steal from him." Rossi comments.

"30 bucks. He stole 30 bucks. I won't go into debt because of it."

"Guys let's-" Matt calms the situation down, seeing the discomfort of Reid.

When Tara is hovering over Reid later that day after he had passed out on the path walk she isn't suprised by the reaction, which is him jerking up feeling if everything was still there. "I was here you are all good."

"Good,good, thank you."

"If you want to talk about it-"

"No I am good." Grateful he grabs her hand letting her pull him up.

"I haven't said that before but you can call me or come to me if there is anything I can help you with."

"Thank you,I will keep that in mind the next time I wake up in an alley."

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