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To see her boy lose all the colour of his face and passing out in front of her was surely something Diana had not expected and didn't want to see. "Spencer!" Anxious she kneels down next to him. "Oh god somebody help him" Exactly in that moment Morgan comes back into the room. Reid had flew her out to Washington because of the Fisher king case. "Help him."

"He is okay. This happens he is alright." Morgan speaks calmly and feels Spencer's puls.

"What do you mean he is alright? He just passed out." Scared she puts her hand on his chest. "Spencer boy please wake up."

"He will, it's okay."

"It's not okay it's-"

"He didn't tell you, Ma'am?"

"Tell me what?"

"He faints regularly. He is going to be okay." Quizzing Diana looks at Morgan.

"No he doesn't."


"Mom?" Confused Spencer opens his eyes leaning in his mother's touch.

"I am here, oh god."

"I am okay, mom." Derek helps him up into a seating position and then gets him water from the conference table.

"This comes from all the coffee you are drinking, you are way to skinny and then this job. Look what you are doing to yourself!" Diana expresses her worry.

"Mom, I am okay."

"You just fainted!"

"Mom that happens it's nothing dangerous." He promises her and then has no time because Hotch needs him.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Morgan asks as they drive home.

"I like to have her think I am safe and everything is okay. Her mind itself must feel like a so dark place I don't want her to think about me and have the same feeling."

"She is your mother, she would never stop seeing you as her bright little angle."

"You mom wouldn't, it's different with mine."

"No, that women I saw in the conference room could never not love and cherish her child. You should have heard her talking to one of the desk agents about how her son was way to smart for the fools of feds." Morgan said with a smile.

"She said that?" Spencer didn't know if he should be proud or worried about his job.

"Damn right she did."

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