Chapter-52 |•|

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Happy to get expected response from you guys, so, as promised, earlier update!

Hope this love and encouragement continue till the end.

Enjoy reading!

Happy Birthday, Elephant

Author's POV

Sitaara looked at Anish and Rishi whose eyes were reflecting pain, regret and sadness.

"Both of you change your clothes and clean your wounds," said Sitaara.

"He is not the man you see. Never break him like we did today. He is...." They both choked and wiped their tears.

"He is thanatophobic and BPD patient," said Anish and Rishi together making everyone gasp.

They sat on the couch waiting for Anish and Rishi to continue.

"Thanatophobia is fear of losing their loved ones, either it be death or abandoning. It developed after Samhith's death. He has had borderline personality disorder since he was 15 years old. But it turned dangerous when his ex-girlfriend, Sanjana left him. Before that, there are a few more things that happened in his life that developed this disorder in him it's better if he says them as they are highly personal. BPD is due to unstable relationships, a few events that happened in his childhood, lack of love and care from his loved ones, Sanjana's betrayal, Anjana betraying Samhith in the worst way, Samhith's death, then Vaibhav uncle's sudden death and Prerna aunty's painful death took a toll on him which developed a fear of abandonment on him. BPD patients fall in love quickly and it happened with Sitaara but it will be short-lived due to their irrational behaviour. He is afraid of that. He doesn't want his love for you short-lived. He wants you in his life forever but he is in constant fear that you may leave him" said Rishi.

"Sitaara you remember him misbehaving with you on engagement day?" Asked Rishi. She nodded while others looked at her confused.

"It was due to his disorder. He many times tried to tell you but he didn't want to justify his act by telling you about his mental condition. When his disorder triggers he acts like a wild animal which happened the same with you'' said Rishi. She nodded with tears.

'That's why he used to say sorry. He didn't mean them. He used to say something but cut off in middle' she thought wiping her tears.

"You remember? Him misbehaving with you when you were obstinate to go your parents home?" Asked Anish. She nodded.

"He was afraid to send you away. He was afraid that you would leave him forever like everyone. He called you many times for every single thing, remember?" Asked Anish. She nodded again.

"He was making sure that you didn't give up on him. He was making him believe that Sitaara won't leave him. Whenever you are away from him only one thing rings in his mind 'Sitaara might leave me'. He started keeping your pics everywhere to make him believe that you won't leave him and will never give up on him" said Anish.

"He always wanted to take your relationship to next level so that a baby from you both will make you live with him forever but he didn't want to cross your comfort zone. But when his fear of you abandoning him intensified, he started making a few moves as he can't say about his condition or can't ask you to take this relationship to next level as the situation you both got married in wasn't like a normal wedding. The other day when you ignored him, that rejection triggered him badly, very badly which made him behave like that. When you called him 'molestor' usually he would have reacted more wildly but his love for you started winning there, Sitaara. His love for you made him calm down little which didn't let him act wildly. He was away from you because he didn't want to hurt you and he was hurt by your words and he was afraid that he may harm you as he did earlier biting your neck harshly like an animal. I wanted to say this then but Aastha shouted at me not to defend him. I understood no one are in condition to acknowledge his disorder, so I kept mum" said Anish and wiped his tears.

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