The Heroes

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Hendrickson backflipped up off the ground to face y/n and raising his hand to strike her. However, his hand started to contort and twisted in unnatural ways. In front of him, Ban moved his hand, as he was the perpetrator for breaking and contorting Hendrickson's arm. Y/n then uppercutted him, making his body to raise up into the air.

Diane used the opportunity to swing at Hendrickson with Gideon, he flew backwards into a rock. He quickly used his black wings to fly at them but King used Chastiefol to pin him to the ground. The Holy Knights gasped and murmured in awe of the infamous criminals and their incredible power.

Meliodas regained his composure and stood upright, "Lady y/n...?" he called out for the female. She turned around to look at him.

"It's okay. Cuz thanks to you my stamina is back up to where it was before we started. So you can just leave the rest to us. For now I think its best if you stay with Hawk." She gave him a heartwarming smile. he nodded holding back his tears.

Meliodas made his way to Hawk carefully placing a hand on him, "Hawk, I'm right here. And I'll always be." He rested his head on Hawk while Margaret kept a hand on the her younger brother back for comfort.

Hendrickson released himself from Chastiefol and landed on a raised rock carefully. He moved his shoulder setting it in place.

"No way! It doesn't even seem like we hurt him at all!"

"Damn I ripped that arm off but it didn't seem to take. This guy's turning out to be a bigger pain in the ass then I thought."

"Well we're not finished yet."
Y/n announced. "Gowther! Spread the word we're going to do the attack we talked about."

"Captian... Gowther's not... um..." King tried to explain sadly. King and Diane glanced where Gowther was laying dead. But they instead saw Gowther lifting his dismembered head into his arms searching for his glasses. "He's still alive!"

"Rodger that, Captian." Gowther reattached his head to his body after finding his glasses. "Tap. Broadcast!" Gowther tapped his head then stuck his other arm out, a bright light found its way to everyone's mind. The so called "plan" information was told to every Holy Knight and the sins. They each had the same reaction, disbelief that such a reckless plan was what they were going to use to kill Hendrickson questioning to y/n if this is good idea or not sure about this plan.

"Alright everyone, time to get started!" Y/n clanked her hand with her sword a formed and X mark with them. A dark aoura could be seen encircling her before it all receded and y/n straightened.

"You disabled your powers? What do you think you're doing?" Hendrickson questioned. Y/n jumped at Hendrickson attempting to punch him but he missed. Y/n maneuvered Hendrickson over her shoulder then threw him to the ground causing dust to rise. Y/n descended down the rock she was standing on and kneed Hendrickson in the stomach.

Diane asked King of what they should do but King told her that y/n needs their help for this plan to happen that they will accept doing to defeat Hendrickson.

"Lightening King Iron Hammer!" Gilthunder sent an attack at Hendrickson and y/n.

"Gravity x10!" A roly poly shook his maracas making y/n and Hendrickson heavier.

"Rising Tornado!" Howzer made a giant tornado at y/n and Hendrickson while y/n tried her best to not be blown away by the strong current. Hendrickson cleared the tornado with one swoop of his hand then tried to attack a Holy Knight.

"You're fight is with me asshole!" Y/n held back Hendrickson from hurting any Holy Knights, glaring at him.

Guila sent fire balls at Hendrickson and y/n. Hendrickson produced black flames and Dark Nebula at y/n while he took it all through gritted teeth and kept fighting back but the explosion send her flying but she smirked and fallen to the ground making Diane shout "captain!" She looked at y/n with deep worried in her eyes.

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