The Sin In The Sleeping Forest

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Y/n and meliodas also hawk were in the forest of white dreams as they walked down the path as meliodas began to speak "lady y/n are you sure one of the seven deadly sins is here?"

Y/n could only reply to meliodas "maybe" that's when hawk spoke "you mean we came here without any evidence I heard there is a monster lurking and watching in here"

A squeak is heard from meliodas having hawk turn around alert, looking at meliodas "what is it!?"

"I feel something grabbing me from behind.." he said with nervous in his tone, feeling uncomfortable, thinking it was a monster.

"Relax it's just me" y/n said as she grope meliodas is butt behind with a blank expression as meliodas sigh in relief "oh thank goodness."

"Your such a creeper!" hawk said to the female as she pulled her hand away and she began to walk ahead, "putting that aside, I have little evidence that traveling here is difficult even on horseback it is as well even travelers go around it."

The blonde haired male smiled "this will be perfect place for someone to hide out" when they began to walk, that hawk turn to them with impatient expression on his face, "come on slowpokes pick up the pace would ya!?" Hawk was ahead from y/n and meliodas.

"Hold your bacon it's not fun traveling with nervous piggy woah..." y/n stop in her tracks seeing multiple clones of hawks.

"Who you calling nervous poggy huh!?" the clones of hawks said together as they looked at each other in surprise at seeing clones of hawks.

"This is the monster of the forest?" meliodas question as he looks at the clones of hawks, "I for one find it terrifying" y/n said as she kept her eyes on the clones of hawks.

The multiple clones of hawks begins to run to y/n, telling her that he is the real one and others saying that he's a fake, that's when in the flash, y/n knocked all of the hawks to the ground.

"Hawk!" meliodas exclaimed with worried as all of the hawks cried and run behind meliodas telling him that his mother would never hit him like that "hawk?..." meliodas gasped seeing a black figure in the fog, "who's there?"

That's when the fog clear away showing multiple of meliodas "hi lady Y/n!" the clones said to y/n as they began to fret about who is the real one.

Y/n looked at clones of meliodas and smirked as she held her chin "ohhh what bevy of abs and those muscular chest pecks" she had a perverted expression on her face.

"Controlled yourself!" hawk said angrily as a voice spoke in the forest "leave this place! Get out of this forest human!"

"Huh I can't really tell which one from the other." y/n cross her arms as she looked at the clones of meliodas then the clones jumped at y/n, but she moved out of the way and landed on a rock, overlooking meliodas is clones.

"Oh my how can I tell which one is the real one!" y/n smirked as she kept her arms crossed as one of meliodas clones spoke "you can trust me! I can do anything you want!"

Now y/n is getting excited as she grinned and sat down on the boulder, "yes! Now I want you to do exactly as I say okay?" the meliodas nodded, agreeing.

"Alright, one hand on your cheek and the other one in the air" the meliodas place their hand on their cheek and one hand in the air as y/n continued "now call out my name and be naughty!~" she said with a flirty tone.

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