The Almighty Vs The Greatest Evil

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The axe that escanor was holding fell to the ground, causing a small dustcloud to surround the area between y/n and escanor.

The Lion Sin coughed out blood from the wound in his stomach that was caused by y/n who gazed up at him with a blank expression on her face, not fazed at what she did.

The sins were watching the battle as they had worried and nervous looks on their face of seeing what their captain did to their comrade, "escanor, no!" Diane called out in concern.

"Y/n, please, stop this." Meliodas whispered with a pleading tone, his face filled with worry and anxious about this battle that is gonna start again, he looked at his demon lover with mixture of emotions in his green and orange eyes.

Escanor reach his hand to y/n, grabbing hold of her head as he gripped into it, trying to squeeze it but y/n had a smirk on her lips, letting out a scoffed "Don't you touch me, human." Dark flames came out of her sword, sending transcendence amount of pain causing escanor to fallen himself out of the sword, letting go of y/n's head and laid on the ground.

The dragon sin lowered her hand, and her eyes narrowed as she gazed at the ginger man while she gripped the handle of her Lostvayne.


"No way." Diane muttered in disbelief "did escanor actually lose?" King said in shocked, ban grunts as his face is filled with anger and worry, he hated himself for not able to do anything for his friend and comrade, Elaine was there beside him, trying to comfort him with concern in her golden eyes.

"Please, merlin! I need you to undo that spell, and I'll find some way to help!" Meliodas told merlin, looking over her with desperation and determination as the mage gazed at him before focusing on the perfect cube that held her two comrades."Sorry. No." She declined, making meliodas frown.

"Y/n is unhinged. She's unable to suppress her dark power. Her mind and memories have been completely eroded. If I were to release her from the confines of perfect cube, she wouldn't think twice about killing every last one of us." She explained to the goddess male who sadly looked down, he knew that she was correct but he can't bare the thought of y/n fighting her comrade and feel very guilty if she did end up killing escanor.

Hawk made a noise causing merlin to side glance at the pig. "That's just a bunch of baloney! There's got to be some way to stop her!"

Merlin lifted one finger up, pointing up the sky, which has hawk confused "its almost noon."



Rustling is heard as escanor lifted up his legs before standing up on his two feet, his warmth beginning to rise. He scoffed as he had a serious look on his face.

The (h/c) haired woman looked at the ginger man with a glare in her pitch darkness eyes. "I'm warning you. Come at me again like that, and you'll suffer." She threatened in a low tone.

"Well, I hate to admit it, but you're absolutely right." He looked at his wound before his abs started to grow, which covered the stabbed wound, he wipe his mouth with the back of his hand."You are quite powerful. I'd say you're second only to me."

The ground underneath their feet began to melt, his feet pushing the melting ground further down with every step that he had taken to the dragon sin, smoke trailing behind him.

The wind blew through having y/n hair to move through the heated wind, she kept watching with a empty expression on her features as escanor headed towards her before standing in front of her and she looked up at him.

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