For Whom Does That Light Shine?

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"C-c-c-captain!" Escanor shouted out nervously as he glanced over at y/n who was gazing over at the arena that escanor, hawk and gowther and Jericho is on.

"What am I supposed to do?" Escanor asked as he had an anxious look on his face as y/n frown, looking at her comrades as she stayed quiet, not responding to escanor questioned.

"Captain?" Gloxinia questioned.

"Apparently, that man and y/n are old friends." Drole answered to gloxinina, who hummed, "Huh..."

"You know, that look on her face is every bit as unreadable as it ever was." The fairy king and the giant glance over at the (h/c) haired female who had an unreadable expression on her face.

"It's not just her expression. Even with my magical eye, trying with all my might, I can't see what's in her mind."

Y/n watches what happens between gowther and escanor, even Hawk and Jericho, as she sees gowther taking down Hawk and Jericho.

The dragon sin then sees gowther using his ability to make escanor walk towards him, then the goat sin used nightmare teller on the lion sin having him stand there, not moving at all.

But y/n narrows her eyes of gowther doing that to escanor as she scoffed lightly but she sees escanor turning into his day form appearance, it did surprised y/n a bit of seeing escanor managing to be in this form when it's night time.

But before gowther could do anything else, escanor snatched his glasses away, and gowther took a few steps away as the tall male had the glasses of gowther land on Hawk's snot.

This seemed to upset gowther as hesent a gatling jack towards escanor, but he jumped up high in air as he shouted, "Hear me and obey my will!"

"Divine ax rhitta!"

Y/n then sense escanor sacred treasure coming in a very fast pace as she kept a blank expression on her face.

Escanor's sacred treasure flew in his hand as the lion sin gripped into the handle of it, "sacred treasure, release." With those words, a blinding light is glowed above the axe in escanor's hand.

"What in the hell is he doing!" Ban shouted as he glared at the man while y/n watches as she frown, her face hardened.

Ban was going to run over to the arena where Jericho, gowther and hawk is at to get them out of there but y/n put her hand up, stopping him before he goes any further towards the arena, "out of my way, captain!" He had his hand on her upper arm.

"If we don't stop him, gowther, master, and Jericho are all gonna get killed!"

"You've got to trust escanor, ban." She stated, having the fox sin to grit his teeth and growl.

Seeing that ban won't run, further to the arena, she lowered her hand down as ban watched with an anxious look on his face.

"For the great sin of toying with others' hearts." He spoke out loud as gowther hand glows as he summoned his sacred treasure, getting his glowing arrow ready to make escanor passed out from using blackout arrow.

Gowther sends his attack to escanor, having the tall male swing his axe, sending the tremendous attack towards his target.

The crowd were holding onto anything for dear life from the powerful wind of escanor attack as meliodas grunted of strong wind as he covered his face with his arms while elaine stood by his side, grunting from the wind as well.

Y/n didn't seem fazed by it as she continued watching this happen and after it was over, there was a huge amount of dark smoke surrounding the whole area as the blinding light has disappeared having the night sky to show.

Escanor fell to the ground from gowther's glowing arrow piercing into him as he passed out, and his form had turned back to his night form appearance.

Y/n glance over at where drole and gloxinia is at as it seemed, escanor send his attack towards them instead of gowther having the two commandments to have burned skin on several parts of their body as they laid on the ground, but their body have been forced deeper down into the ground.

The (h/c) haired female turn her gaze to meliodas who glance over at his beloved demon as she give him a small soft but a sad smile and her mouth moved, saying something to meliodas.

Her words had meliodas eyes widened as he gasped quietly, shaking his head lightly, hoping that she wasn't gonna do what he thought she's going to do.

The demon female turned her head and looked over at first fairy King and the king of giants as she had a serious look on her face.

'It's time...'

[Hello everybody! I'm sorry if this chapter is short, but don't worry! The next chapter is gonna be longer, but get ready, everybody! Y/n vs. the commandments are finally going to happen soon, so get ready for it! and hope you all have a great day/night!]

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