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Yesterday was a fluke. I had let my guard down for way too long. This just shows that happens and how people think they can walk all over me just because I wasn't being a total bitch. And, ugh... I let that douche walk all over me without even questioning it.

Have I gone too soft, because why the hell is Nancy waving at me? She walks over to me and I try to quicken my pace but she mimics me.

"Why are you walking with me?" I question the shorter girl. She moves her brown hair behind her ear and stops me from walking away by placing her hand to my wrist. I look down at her wrist and shove her hand off of me. "Don't ever touch me."


"I... I'm sorry! Look, Barb's missing and I'm worried. Did you see anything yesterday?" Nancy asks me, her hands now at her side.

"Who?" I look at her bug eyes, trying to recall who Barb is or why I should even care.

"Barbara." She repeats. I give her a shrug and walk off. Was I supposed to keep tabs on this bitch? "Dani! Wait..." Nancy chases after me and stops right in front of me.

I groan and place my hands on my hips growing annoyed every second she tries to stop me.

"You don't get to call me that. I don't know who Barbara is, but if she was your friend then you should've been more aware of where the fuck she is. Don't talk to me."

I shove her to the side and walk away. She's quick to recover and move away from me and goes away to somewhere or someone else. I've gone on with my life for so long without speaking to her, why the hell does it have to change now? 

I clear my thoughts of the scummy girl and turn around to get to the school bathroom. All I wanted to do was to fix my makeup but of course Nancy wanted to interrupt my day.

The second I go to turn around, I find Nancy and Steve kissing by the lockers. Steve's left hand lies on her cheeks and his right arm leaning above her on the lockers. Nancy has one arm awkwardly at her side and the other holding the end of Steve's sweater.

"I thought they were dating?"
"Did they break up?"
"He clearly cheated on her."
"Yikes, this is not a good look on Danielle."

I hear whispers all around me as the students who were making their way down the hallway stop and stare at me then they stare at the couple who were no longer making out at their lockers, instead talking with each other.

I don't let the whispers affect me, and instead I hold my head up high. I flick my hair off my shoulder and walk my way to a group of girls who were huddled by their lockers, staring intently at me.

"He wasn't that good of a fuck and only lasted like 2 minutes." I lie to a group of girls to try and get the attention off of me. The girls immediately go and whisper to another group of what I had said as I leave the hallway and make my way to the cafeteria. Guess I'm not fixing my makeup.

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