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I had trouble sleeping last night all because of a nauseous feeling in my stomach due to Hopper, because I kept that secret from him, I never thought I would feel guilty for hiding something from the Sheriff and I've told the man many lies.

I take a walk to try and clear my mind of the fucking annoying voices telling me how shitty of a person I am. How shitty I am for thinking about myself. How shitty I am for not thinking about Joyce as a mother and how bad she's feeling without her son. Steve's dumb voice calling me a bitch rings through my head and I just want to rip my hair out.

I let out a huff as I regret walking in my new pink booted heels. It definitely felt like the day to try and show them off to Hawkins. Well, I thought it was the day but I never realised how long of a walk it was from my house to Hawkins Square.

As I stand in front of the cinemas, I notice the mess me and my friends made with the use of red spray paint of Nancy's name off is clean. Welp, it was fun while it lasted. That bitch got what she deserved, hell she deserves even worse. But, if I was to do something then Steve would definitely not want anything to do with me.

The sound of bikes whooshing past me causes me to look away from the cinema and towards 3 boys on the bikes, one of them with a shaved haired boy sitting on the handlebars.

My eyes follow the kids as they look back and our eyes make contact. My brother is the first to stop riding, follow by Dustin and then Mike and a small boy sitting with him stop after. When the shaved boy turns around, a memory tries to place where the fuck I've seen him.

The memory of a little girl at Benny's Burgers' dressed in a large yellow t-shirt fills my mind. No way! That's the girl! Maybe I can get the girl to go to Hopper and he can take her away so I can feel less fucking guilty. Unless, I'll feel more guilty for being the reason why a kid is taken. Pfft, doubt it.

"Dan? What are you doing?" Andy asks as I finally approach them.

"Who is she?" I ask and point to the girl who lays her head onto Mike's back. Andy gives a quick look at her and back to me. He gives me a shrug and I shake my head waiting for a reply.

"It's Mike's cousin. Her name is Elea—"

"Eleven, right?" I ask as my mind goes back to the drawing in the Lab with stick figures.

"Wha... how'd you know?" Mike gasps from behind.

"There's a lot of shit going on, guys."

We enter the Wheeler's residency by the back entry leading straight to the basement. This way Mike's parents won't see us and bombard us with questions. Especially to me and why I'm hanging out with children. I shut the door behind me after the kids enter first.

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