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Steve, Dustin and I stand above the storm cellar that holds Dart securely away from us and the people of Hawkins. We stare at the doors in silence, kind of just waiting or expecting some rowdy noise of Dart going crazy or even Dart jumping out but it's kinda awkward.

"I don't hear shit." Steve breaks the silence, keeping his bat of nails close to him.

"He's in there." Dustin says looking up at Steve. Steve looks at me but I shrug. I wasn't there so I can't vouch. Steve lightly taps the storm cellar doors with the bat and takes a step back— thinking Dart would react but once again, nothing.

"Harder," I whisper and Steve looks at me. "Maybe he didn't hear." Steve does as I say and this time, all three of us step back at the large bang. But, still... nothing.

"All right, listen, kid. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank," Steve turns to face the younger boy, shinning a flashlight at his face. "You're dead."

"It's not." Dustin huffs and squints his eyes from the bright light.

"All right?" Steve ignores, continuing to shine the flashlight.

"It's not a prank," Dustin huffs. "Tell him, Danielle and get it out of my face."

Steve turns to face me, the light shinning in my face.

"Steve!" I step away from the light and knock it out of his hand. "The fuck!" Steve sighs and picks up the dropped flashlight before looking back over to Dustin. "What are you even doing here?"

The boys go silent, and Dustin is the first to speak. "He was the last choice."

"Thanks!" Steve rolls his eyes at the kid.

"His house is like a mile away, there's no way you biked there—"

"Because I didn't. I saw him at Nanc—"

"Sh." Steve immediately tries to cut off Dustin, trying to prevent him from finishing the sentence.

Fucking Nancy? Why is he still chasing her ass? I don't say a word and neither do the other two. I roll my eyes as I turn my face away from him, looking at the storm cellar.

"You got a key for this thing?" Steve questions breaking the silence, Dustin nods and digs in his pocket for the key to the storm cellar. He hands the small key to Steve who unlocks the doors. Steve pulls open the doors and we all kind of just stand and look down.

I let out a breath of air to try and calm myself.

"He must be further down there," Dustin says as Steve flashes the light in the dark cellar. Dart makes no rush to come at the open cellar. "I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape."

"Yeah, I'll... uh... help him."

Steve looks at Dustin and I before looking back down at the cellar. He releases a sigh and holds his bat right. Maybe I'll push him down the stairs, see how he feels about Nancy now!

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