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4 months later.

I'm bored out of my mind.

Studying for SATs is so boring. The pen in my hand hitting the table every few seconds trying to distract me from my thoughts.

I can't think straight. I feel as though I can't breathe properly. I feel like pinching my arms to get myself back into line but I ached for it.

I ached for a taste.

I ached for something to take my mind off of studying. I imagine myself inhaling a line of coke and how good I would feel. Fuck. I need it so bad right now.

I don't remember standing up from the dining room. I don't remember moving to the phone attached to the wall and dialling up a number.

"I'm on my way." I heard his voice say after I said something through the phone. I hung up and moved to the kitchen. I walked over to the fridge and pulled out James' homemade piña colada.

I cringe as I see it sitting untouched in the fridge. It was always her favourite. I remember taking a sip out of the cup when James first made it for her. He knew she loved it so much, so on date nights he'd always make her a cup.

I made a face when I first tried it and she laughed so hard. Like it was so hysterical. Tears ran down her face, as she laughed at me.

"It's good that you don't like it! Less of a chance you'll want to start drinking when you're older." She said with a large smile on her face. She was sitting on the couch in the living room. I move over to the living room with the bottle of piña colada in my hand as I touch where she once sat.

Her arm resting on the couch arm, the other holding her drink. Her legs resting bent on the couch.

James never wanted to remove the couches we had in our old double storey home. Instead, he brought them over to our ugly house. He wanted her to be able to come back home and sit in the same spot, with a drink in her hand.

She never did.

I sniff and wipe my nose with the sleeve of my sweater. I open the bottle of the alcohol in my hand and take an endless swig. I ignore the thoughts telling me to stop. I ignore the burning sensation of my throat. It actually felt good to feel the burn.

I walk over to my room and slam the door behind me. If James was home, he would've given me the biggest tell off for slamming my door.

Heh, fuck off. I'm home alone.

I take another swig but frown when nothing comes out of the bottle. What the hell, it's finished? A quiet burp escapes me and I laugh to myself. Oops.

Now... where did I put my little coke baggy?

"Where you hiding?" I call out to the coke as I look around my room. "Hey, why am I still holding this?" I look at the empty bottle and hold it upside down to my mouth. I tap the bottom of the bottle hoping something comes out but nothing does.

Summer Royalty | Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now