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I look around my room feeling at a complete loss. I pause, then sit up in my bed, the room immediately spins and I hold my head to try and prevent it from falling off. After a couple minutes of just sitting up, and staring off into the distance, I start to feel slightly better.

I feel a breeze from an open window that touches my skin. I shiver and look at my attire, growing even more confused when I find myself wearing a t-shirt and shorts to bed. I don't remember putting myself in this... I'm so confused.

I look at my bedside table and find three beer cans laying across each other. Was I drunk?

I get out of bed and walk over to my vanity mirror. I take a look at my neck where I remember or dreamt of getting pinched. I don't see any puncture wound in the mirror, I go to touch my neck and flinch at the tenderness.

This wasn't a dream...

I hear heavy knocks on my bedroom, I slowly walk over to it. Fear rips into me and I stop just at the door. A couple more knocks causes me to jump back. Are they coming to kill me? Are they going to insert another drug in me? I step away from the door as I see the handle move.

"Are you still not awake, Dan?" The door to my bedroom opens and I exhale when I realise it's just my half-brother. Thank goodness.

"What?" I question him and rub at my eyes.

"You're not dressed?" He scoffs.


"Will's funeral."

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I completely forgot about that.

"Can't mom take you?" I ask Andy and he shakes his head. "James?" Once again, he shakes his head. "Fine. Okay, get dressed."

"I'm already dressed, so is Jenny."

"Right," I sigh. "I'll be quick."

I close my bedroom door and walk over to my closet. I quickly grab a pair of my denim mom jeans, with a white sweater and my white Mary Jane platforms.

Once I had my outfit on, I wash my face in the bathroom and brush my hair down. I walk over to my room and apply makeup. Foundation shade lighter than my skin tone and bash the brush to my face. I use my favourite plum blush and go crazy with it. With the same blush, I use it on my eyelids.

I clap my hands and walk out of my bedroom.

"Let's go!" I call out and the kids rush over to me.

"You're supposed to wear black." Jenny points out and I nod as we walk downstairs to the foyer.

"I'm sorry guys but I'm not going," I grab the keys from the wooden console table that's placed beside the front door. "I have a busy day, but tell Joyce Byers and the dad, sorry for your loss."

Summer Royalty | Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now