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Dani's Halloween costume

♛Dani's Halloween costume

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double update, read 2.02 & 2.03

"No offence but you guys look ridiculous." I yawn as I watch my siblings walk out of their bedrooms. James shakes his head at my comment and holds the digital camera close to his eyes.

"You both look great, ignore your sister." He sighs, lowering the camera down slightly, giving me a disappointed look before looking back into the camera.

My brother, in a marshmallow costume waddles to me, attempting to hit me with his costumed white puffy arms. I flick his head, my fingers coming into contact with the the blowup stay puft hat that sits on his head. Andy trips backwards but Jenny, dressed as a girl version of the Ghostbusters outfit, saves him.

"Why are you a marshmallow?" I ask the younger boy, who's glaring at me. Jenny lightly pushes her twin to the side so James could get photos of Jenny on her own.

"I'm not a marshmallow. I'm Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!" Andy exasperates, an annoyed groan escaping his mouth.

"Don't you have to be a man, to be called a man?" I hum, popping my hip out and dropping my hand to rest on it. 

"Marshmallow Man is not an actual man. He's a giant... listen, it's lore." He huffs, throwing his hands in the air. Though, I will add, he can barely move in this thing, so his hands move just slightly above his chest.

"Okay, so why is Jenny in a skirt? Aren't all the busters boys?"

"They're men," Jenny interjects and moves to the side so Andy could get his photos taken. "My only option was to be Slimer. Have you seen that dude? He's a green blob with no legs! He's hideous, I was not going to be him. The next best option was to ruin the lore and be a girl Ghostbuster. We know it'd be much cooler if it was real anyway."

I didn't realise there was Ghostbuster lore but I should've known that anything to do with the kids, there's bound to be lore somewhere. James takes photos of his son and then photos of both Andy and Jenny together.

"Awesome! I can take you guys to school, now." James cheers and I fake cheer, I'm just glad they're done with the photographs.

Empty cups and beer cans litter the front steps and lawn of Tina's double storey home. Music shakes the house as I push past the couple making out by the front door. Are they serious?

Halloween parties were always the craziest nights at Hawkins. Especially since we have school the next day, most kids use this as an advantage to not have to go school tomorrow. A quiet groan escapes my lips as I wait for the cocaine to kick in. I crack my knuckles as I stop just outside the front door.

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