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"Jonathan Byers is a creep!" Nicole says walking up to Carol, Tommy and I. After my sob session in the girls toilet, I gave myself 5 minutes to recover before wandering out to class.

An improvement, as this time I didn't wait for Steve.

"Tell us something we don't know." I huff out, walking out of math class.

"Oh, I bet I will." She says and the three of us give each other an odd look before looking back at her.

"What is it?" Tommy questions as we move away from the classroom door and stand by the lockers. Nicole smirks but doesn't say anything yet, watching as the students leave the classroom.

"Get on with it!" Carol orders and Nicole apologises.

"Jonathan Byers has some issues. He took photographs of you guys at Steve's yesterday. I saw a photo of Nancy in her bra!"

I raise an eyebrow confused. Carol is the first to speak, "wait what?"

"Yep. You heard me. I was in the dark room and you know how he's poor and uses school supplies to get by, well he thought no one would've come in but I'm a photography student so—"

"Not seeing the point here." I rush her.

"Right, anyways. He had his photos hanging to dry and I saw some scandalous pictures. He's fucking disgusting."

"Is he still here?" Tommy wonders as he looks around.

"Yeah, it just happened." Nicole answers and Tommy smirks before running off into the hallway.

Steve, Tommy, Carol, Nicole and I hang around on the bonnet of Jonathan's car, waiting for the freak to show up. I can't believe he has the nerve to take raunchy pics.

I push away my anger about Steve to the back of my brain for now and keep my mind on the pervy boy. I want to see these pictures, I'm so disgusted of Jonathan. What an absolute weirdo.

"Hey, man." Steve's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. Nicole, Carol, Tommy and I stop leaning on the car and take a step beside Steve, in front of Jonathan who looks confused about our presence.

"What's going on?" Jonathan questions, holding his side bag close to him.

"Nicole was, uh, telling us about your work." Steve informs the freak.

"We've heard great things." Carol adds.

"And we'd just love to take a look. You know, as... connoisseurs of art." Steve takes a step closer to Jonathan and Tommy moves away from Carol to stand behind Jonathan.

"I don't know what you're talking about,"  Jonathan goes to walk away from us but Tommy is quick to pulling his bag away from him. "Hey.
Please, give me my bag. No, just..."

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