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"So, basically it's my fault?"

Steve and I were now sitting on the hood of his car in my street. I wouldn't dare to take him inside my home, so sitting in my street is the next best thing. When I first started talking, he drove us to my home and when I told him that drugs keeps me somewhat sane about my germs he parked the car on the side of the street.

I can't believe Steve now knows why I take drugs and that I actually do drugs which wasn't the plan and has never been the freaking plan. It makes me cringe at the thought. I wasn't able to deal with Steve's rejection myself that I had to resort to drugs, all because I have a fear of germs? Loser.

But I couldn't help it...

"No, of course not." I answer and lay my head down on the windshield. A small smile creeps on Steve's face as he watches me try and get comfy on top of his car.

"It is. If I had stayed at your side, then you wouldn't have gone to seek validation from random dickheads which just added fuel to your damn germ shit."

"I didn't go to seek validation. I was horny." I respond, and turn my head to look at him, he sits on the hood with his legs sprawled over the edge. His right elbow keeping him upright as he stares into my eyes.

Steve chokes on his saliva and coughs it away, "Oh."

"Look, Steve..."

"I thought you weren't one to get into that."

"I'm not! I wasn't! My minds fucked. I am fucked. It's somehow the only way for me to exist without having to think about the germs that are touching my skin right now."

"Yeah?" He says looking down at me and I give a small nod. "I think you should fight it instead."

"I wish it was that easy." I snort and Steve lets out a quiet chuckle to himself.

"It could be. You just need someone to help you," Steve moves to lay beside me, with his head flat against the windshield. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Let's hang out. Like the ol' times."

"Pre or during dating?" I joke. We fucked a lot when we were dating.

"Shut up." He laughs and I smile at him.

Aggressive panting and stomps pulls up from across the street. Curiously, I look over, raising my head slightly to find Dustin running down the sidewalk, pushing his bike towards his home. Why isn't he just using the bike? Steve's eyes follow mine as we watch Dustin rush up the driveway of his house. He throw his bike down to the ground.

"Wait a sec." I hop off the car and walk away from Steve. Instantly, my head screams at me. Why am I leaving Steve? Why am I choosing a little kid over Steve right now? Why?

"Where you going?" Steve calls out but I ignore him and follow after Dustin rushing up the driveway. I open the unlocked front door and let myself into the house.

"Oh! Hello, sweetie. Hanging with Dusty again?" Claudia Henderson greets me by the door as I shut it behind me.

"Uh, yes. Where is he?" I ask watching when she closes the box of cat food and gently placing it on the floor beside the cats bowl.

"In his room," she responds and I immediately move familiarly towards his closed bedroom door. "Could you get Mew-mew out of Dusty's room?"

"Sure..." I knock on Dusty's bedroom door and after half a second of no response I try to slide the door open but it's locked. "Dustin! Open up!" I bang my fist against his door and Claudia peeks her head out from the living room. She gives me an awkward smile and I look away, continue to knock at his door.

Summer Royalty | Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now