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Steve Harrington and I walk side by side, the two of us holding our weapons close to our side. I use my spare hand to reach into my pocket for my butterfly knife, holding it in my hand that also carried the golf club.

"Stay behind me," Steve whispers and I do as he says, following him at an angle. Steve whistles trying to gain the attention of Dart, who looks directly at us but doesn't move. "Come on, buddy."

"We're tastier than cow..." I gulp, speaking aloud like Steve. Steve stops in his steps and stands just before the chopped meat pieces on the ground. I copy his movements.

"Come on. Dinner time—" Steve says, readying his bat. My mouth drops at his comment.

"Don't say that." I whimper in his ear.

"But you can say, we're tastier than cow?" Steve exasperates and I nod. "Fine, human tastes better than cat, I promise."

I move away from Steve, giving him and I space incase something goes wrong and for us to swing our weapons... if needed.

"Psst. Psst. Psst." I call out to Dart who remains in his position.

"It's not a cat," Steve whispers to me. "And get back behind me." Steve swings his bat as Dart looks at us.

"Guys, watch out!" Lucas shouts to us but we pay him no attention. Dart is in our line of sight, we're fine.

"A little busy here!" Steve calls back, not taking his eyes off Dart.

"Three o'clock! Three o'clock!" Lucas yells to us.

I turn to my right... my 3 o'clock, and there sits another Demogorgon on a rundown car. The Dart lookalike stares at Steve and I. I gasp to myself as it stares at me.

"S...Steve." I tap his shoulder and the other Dart growls at us.

"Oh, fuck." He groans. Steve turns and faces Dart, while I stand to his right. Our backs barely touching each other. I hold the club in my hand and let out a shaky breath. This wasn't a good plan.

The sound of the bus door creaking open causes Steve and I to take a quick look at each other and then to the bus.

"Abort! Abort!" Dustin yells from the absolute top of his lungs. But before we could even begin to think about running, Dart comes charging at us. It's flower-like mouth opening up as it runs toward us. Steve grabs my hand and we run towards the bus.

Dart number 2 takes a large leap right in front of me. I swing my golf club at it, hitting him right in the face but it doesn't react, instead it gives me a shove forward with its head, my hand rips away from Steve and I land harshly on the dirty ground. Dart number 2's claws get stuck into my forearm, as he pounces on me. I cry out in both pain and horror. Steve does a quick turnaround, hitting the Demogorgon off of my body. His claws rip out of my skin, and a gush of blood sprayed with him as he falls away from us, it's body flopping as he lands on the ground.

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