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Being squished in the backseat as Max drives Billy's car is something I genuinely never would've thought would be happening. Hell, hanging with literal pre-teens was something that I never thought would've happened.

Lucas gives directions to Max in the passenger seat, with Jenny squished to the door beside him. In the back, squished in the three seater is Steve, myself, Dustin, Max and with Andy sitting on my lap

"Hey, can someone remind me why we need the gas tank that Mike's holding?" I ask, peeking my head out from behind Andy.

As I was taking care of Steve earlier at the Byers' home, the kids were clearly on some mission of wanting to get the fuck out of the house without Steve and I, but I obviously wasn't going to let that happen. Especially, when they considered to take me with them somewhere but leave Steve with an unconscious Billy, yeah, hell no.

So, instead, I somewhat dragged Steve's ass to the car then shoved ourselves in and they have yet to let me know what exactly we're doing. Honestly, I didn't really care, as long as we're away from Billy and that house.

"I...uhm... errr..." Dustin attempts to speak but Mike hits the back of Dustin's head. I don't question the boys, I'm so over today. I just want to go home and sleep.

"In case the car runs out of gas." Mike informs and I gently nod my head. My head still aching every inch I move it.

I hold the ice bag to Steve's hand and notice Steve slowly waking up. His eyes dart around us, from the squished backseat, to the ice pack in my hand, to the gas can Mike holds then to the literal kid driving.

"Hello?" He whispers confused out of his mind and honestly I would be too. Steve groans as he goes to touch his face but I quickly stop his bruised hand.

"No. No. Don't touch," I hold his hand and feel Dustin breathing down on my neck. "Dude, move!" I gag, trying to shove Dustin's face away with my spare hand.

"Hey, buddy..." Dustin tries to shush Steve back to sleep. "It's okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight, buddy. You're okay."

Dustin squishes his head between my back and the seat behind me, so he can be a little bit closer to Steve as he speaks to him. I make sure my back never touches the seat due to the pain of attempting to fight with Billy.

"Keep straight for a half a mile, then make a left on Mount Sinai." Lucas informs Max of the directions to... well, I hope the hospital.

"Guys, are you sure you're going the right way to the hospital?" I ask, mainly to Lucas and Jenny as they're the two with the map. No one bothers to answers me and I huff at the lack of response.

"What's going on?" Steve questions as he properly notices Max in the drivers seat. I didn't dare to offer driving, since I quite literally suck at it then I'd probably get us into an accident and also I have no clue how to drive a manual.

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