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If someone was to tell me a young girl with powers exists who killed a monster with her own thoughts, I'd laugh in their face. If someone was to tell me that I spent more time hanging out with little kids than my own friends, I'd laugh in their face. Oh, and can't forget to add that Steve Harrington broke up with me for a nerd, one year younger than us... I'd spit in their face.

It's ridiculous how quick something can change within a year and I don't think I'll understand how lonely I feel since then. Everything from family life to friends to education has completely changed.


With the help of my siblings, we start decorating the outside of this new ugly freaking house we had to move into. After the disappearance of my mother when Dr. Brenner died, and the investigation of powerful kids ceased, we had to sell our old house because mortgage and taxes started to get expensive without the extra income coming in from my mother —and by we, I mean James.

Now, no longer living in the rich street where every house was a two-story, instead, every house is a flat one-story with a small backyard. It sucks.

"Where should the spider webs go?" Andy asks as he grabs the two bags of fake webs from inside the house.

"Maybe on the fence. Dress it up a bit." I shrug at the literal half broken white fence. James has constantly promised he'll get it fixed but he hasn't had the time since majority of the time he's working. Andy nods to my help as he and Jenny rip apart the webs to decorate. Suddenly, James opens the front door, halting all decorating of the house.

"Phones for you." He calls out, pointing to me. I immediately drop everything to the ground and rush up the small steps that lead to the porch of the house. I run inside towards the living room where the phone sits hanging on the wall.

I put the phone to my ear, "hello?"

"Yo! What're you doing tonight?" The familiar voice of Brandon rings through my ears.

"Brandon! Hi. Nothing, why?" I ask, twirling the cord of the phone.

"I want to see you."

Brandon has been my... friend, my rebound since the new year. He —without knowing it, has helped me move on, or maybe just stop thinking about Steve Harrington.

He has helped. It has helped, the constant seeing him. Though, what hasn't helped is the consistent change in partners, has affected my germaphobia. For the worse.


His hands run down my arms as he flips me on top of him. I smile mid kiss when he wraps his fingers along the belt of my mom jeans. They slowly move to the button of the jean as he skilfully undoes the button with one hand. The warmth of his lips leave my lips lonely to gently nip at my cheek instead and he moves down to my chin, then jawline and finally at my earlobe.

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